Prince Albert II of Monaco is a confirmed bachelor. His skirt-chasing street cred rivals Warren Beatty’s. That is until Annette Benning domesticated a 55-year-old Beatty. And he was still virile. Because, instead of skirts, he’s chasing kids – four of them. Monaco’s first Black Prince Unlike Beatty, however, Albert has been carefree about planting his seed in… Read more.
Happy Mother’s Day
Indeed! News and Politics Read more.
British PM Tony Blair re-elected to historic 3rd term
Blair wins! But in the sadomasochistic culture of British politics, winning simply isn’t good enough. Click here to read why members of his own Party have wiped that winning smirk right off Blair’s face. News and Politics Read more.
Another Coalition Defection Brewing? Basta! Basta! Cry the Italians…
President Bush rang Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy yesterday to express America’s profound sympathies for the accidental killing of Nicola Calipari – an Italian secret agent who he described as “a heroic servant of Italy and esteemed friend of the United States”. Calipari was killed by American soldiers moments after he procured the release of… Read more.
President Clinton to the Youth of America: Do as I say, not as I did…Indeed!
A few days ago, President Clinton and fellow bubba, Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, announced their fat chance crusade to end childhood obesity in America by 2015. But, as Clinton shared empathetic stories about being a junk-food loving chubby kid, it could not have been lost on his rapt audience of teenage junk-food junkies that,… Read more.
Celebrity Judge Paula Abdul: Making Booty Calls to an American Idol?
Last night, in a shameless ratings ploy, the ABCNews program PrimeTime Live finally aired its hit piece on the FOX show American Idol. But no matter the hype or packaging of their “expose”, ABCNews executives ought to be ashamed for presenting as investigative journalism such water-cooler innuendos about an older woman using her position (allegedly)… Read more.
America’s shrinking sphere of Influence throughout the Americas…
The Fourth Summit of the Americas convenes in Argentina in early November. However, unlike previous summits at which America set and dominated the agenda, this one holds the prospect of Venezuela emerging as a formidable player in determining what matters will command the attention of participating delegates: A seismic change in hemispheric geopolitics that stems… Read more.
Woman Convicted of Raping a Man! No, Really…
NOW, this is what a rapist looks like also… Anyone who laments the growing backlash against feminism in America can take comfort in the forward march towards gender equality in Norway. But liberated women of the world beware: Last week a trial in this progressive Scandinavian country established a legal precedent that looms as a… Read more.
British General Elections: Tony Blair Dissembling Labour to Victory…Again!
Scientific polls have become to political elections what sonograms are to pregnancies: a method of predicting results that make the actual event somewhat anticlimactic. Moreover, when political candidates incite nothing but visceral disgust or soporific moans then voting becomes little more than a pro forma chore. And this, in fact, is the pregnant state of… Read more.
Chelsea: English Soccer Champions…at last!
Chelsea players enjoying a primal scream after their first national Championship. Yesterday, Chelsea confirmed that they really are the best soccer team money could buy: It took 50 years, the cold cash of a Russian Oligarch and the win or die temperament of a Portuguese manager to finally make champions of England’s most storied soccer… Read more.