Dr Jon Thogmartin (R) and Dr Stephen Nelson reporting their findings on Terri Schiavo’s autopsy during a press conference on Wednesday. Doctors who performed an autopsy on the body of Terri Schiavo (erstwhile political mascot for the religious right) vindicated what her husband Michael Schiavo and medical experts have been saying for over a decade,… Read more.
Some Good News About Africa!…For a Change
Celebrated in Washington… African leaders receive commendations and pledges of lots of cash for implementing democratic reforms in their respective countries during their visit to the White House in Washington, DC. From L-R: President Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia, President Armando Guebuza of Mozambique, President Festus Mogae of Botswana, President Bush, President Mamadou Tandja of Niger… Read more.
Serbs Confound Americans as they Hide War Criminals and Seek US Aid…
Last week’s announcement by the US State Department of the release of $10 million in conditional aid to Serbia-Montenegro was contrived even by Washington standards. After all, it was touted as a reward for Belgrade’s fulfillment of the principled conditions Washington placed on that aid even though those conditions have clearly not been met. In… Read more.
Michael Jackson: Not Guilty! But Hardly Innocent…
Given his apparent nature, it’s only a matter of time before Jackson begins sleeping with little boys again and no doubt, telling them that: If you wanna be free, just beat it! Paul Rodriguez, the Foreman of the Jury that found Michael Jackson NOT GUILTY yesterday on all counts, claims that the first thing they… Read more.
Tyson ends his Boxing Career a Loser, Coward and Broke!
Mike Tyson is a modern day tragic hero of Aristotelian dimensions. After all, at the formative age of 19, he was crowned king – not only of boxing but of the entire sports world. Moreover, no athlete possessed greater potential for greatness than Tyson; yet, he seemed doomed to fail from the day of his… Read more.
Landmark Health Care Decisions by the US Government…
Meanwhile, also this week, the Justice Department ruled that the punitive damages assessed against tobacco companies (for deliberately spiking their cigarettes to turn as many Americans into addicts as possible) should be reduced from $130 billion to only $10 billion. But consider that every year 435,000 people in the US die from tobacco use. (Cigarettes… Read more.
Missing in Aruba and Racial Profiles in Gang Banging!
I have always found it a curious thing that so many of my black American friends admit anxiety whenever a high profile crime hits the 24/7 streaming media in the United States. They confess that this anxiety stems from the irrational fear that if the culprit turns out to be black it would reflect badly… Read more.
Africans can learn from Caribbean Culture of Enterprise and Self-help…
Today President Bush seems as unsuited to lead the global mission to make poverty history as Ronald Reagan seemed when he launched the Western cause to end communism. Yet, there can be no doubt that Bush is just as committed to his mission as Reagan was to his cause and, moreover, that his insistence that… Read more.
Pres. Bush and PM Blair hold News Conference on Aid to Africa…oh, and on Iraq too!
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Bush & Blair – allies now in war against the press: Remember the plan George – we’re announcing ways to turn African swords into ploughshares, not trying to justify why we’re… Read more.
BREAKING NEWS: Transcripts prove that George W. Bush is smarter than John F. Kerry!
Comedian John Lovitz is probably best known for uttering the refrain: I can’t believe I’m losing to this guy. Lovitz immortalized this line during a Saturday Night Live mock presidential debate in which he played the scholarly Governor of Massachusetts, Michael Dukakis. And, the guy he was referring to was fellow comedian Dana Carvey who… Read more.