Talk Show Billionaire Oprah Winfrey told by Hermes of Paris to take her money and shove it! Poor Oprah: Last week Luxury retailer Hermes refused to allow her into its Paris boutique to do a little last-minute shopping – something Oprah knows well that white celebrities do routinely all over the world. Of course, most… Read more.
Female Teachers Helping Schoolboys Think with Their Other Head
Clueless middle school teacher Debra Lafave at her arraignment on child rape and related charges apparently thinking: “I still don’t know what all the fuss is about. I was just teaching the boy a few things. Besides, it’s not like his grades suffered any; I gave him straight A’s.” About a year ago, Middle School… Read more.
The Politics of Bulldozing Homes: In Israel and Zimbabwe
During her meetings last Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice assured him that his plan to bulldoze the homes of Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip was a necessary “historic” step towards the establishment of a Palestinian state and peace in the Middle East. Meanwhile, in Zimbabwe, President… Read more.
Ku Klux Klansman Convicted of Murders 41 years after Committing his Crimes!
What took them so long…the jury that is? Michael Schwerner, 24, of New York, James Chaney, 21, from Mississippi, and Andrew Goodman, 20, of New York are profiles in courage and remain the haunting images of murderous racism in recent American history that claimed the lives of so many innocent and courageous people involved in… Read more.
Update: Natalee Holloway Still Missing in Aruba…
Grieving Moms Anita Van Der Sloot and Beth Holloway Twitty bid each other a pained good-bye after Holloway went unannounced to Van Der Sloot’s home in Aruba demanding to know what her son Juron (the prime suspect) did to Natalee. No doubt most American Moms in Van Der Sloot’s predicament would’ve called the police to… Read more.
The European Union: No Constitution, No Budget…No Future?
Reflecting the sentiments of a critical mass amongst their citizens, it seems that European Heads of State have also become disaffected (if not disillusioned) with the prospect of ceding more national authority to the EU central government (Brussels). After all, their dramatic failure last weekend to agree on a budget to fund EU operations and… Read more.
President Bush has actually done more for Africa than any other American President – including Clinton!
Ever since President Bush launched his Millennium Challenge Account for African development (March 2002) and his $15 billion Emergency Plan for AIDS relief (January 2003), I’ve been arguing – to the consternation and apparent dismay of almost all who bothered to listen – that Bush has done more (and offers the best solutions) to help… Read more.
News and Politics Read more.
A Brave New World: Where the Bad Guys are Really Smart Too…
Master Card disclosed yesterday that it fell prey to computer hackers who pilfered data that makes over 40 million people vulnerable to financial fraud and, worse still, identity theft. And, this follows disclosures by other credit card companies in recent weeks that make it seem as though all credit card holders are just as vulnerable.… Read more.
The United Nations: Corrupt from Head to Toe?
The leadership of U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan was severely compromised earlier this year, when reports revealed that he did little to prevent U.N. foot soldiers from inflicting widespread abuses upon those they were deployed to protect. That many of these abuses occurred in refugee camps in Africa, where rape and molestation rivaled the horrors… Read more.