Leg Deine Karten Auf Den Tisch! Germany is an economic basket case primarily because Germans are tethered to welfare programs the country can no longer afford. Therefore, to address this national crisis, Chancellor Gerhardt Schröder called for early elections on Friday – claiming that “without a new mandate my political program [of austere remedial reforms]… Read more.
Supreme Court Ruling Prompts Condemnation of Justices…And Confiscation of their Homes!
When the US Supreme Court ruled last week that “eminent domain” grants local governments the power to seize private homes in the interest of economic development, the ruling prompted bipartisan condemnation in Washington and around the country. But now, some private citizens have decided that instead of just getting mad they’re going to get even:… Read more.
The Case for Professional Juries: Proved Beyond A Reasonable Doubt!
Impanel professional juries It’s high time the American criminal justice system started impaneling professional juries. Often, lay jurors get reams of evidence and over one hundred pages of jury instructions, akin to a foreign language. Yet, we expect them to process all that and then render verdicts that could strip defendants of their liberty or even their lives.… Read more.
How Stella Got Her Groove Back? Apparently, by Faking it with a Gay Boy Toy…
American media has a habit of crediting white people for social and cultural trends that had long become commonplace in the black community. For example, when Bo Derek donned her cornrows for the movie “10”, one might have thought that was the first time any woman had worn her hair in that style; when, in… Read more.
BREAKING NEWS: President Bush is pleased with the progress in Iraq…Puleeese!
If this vacuous stare seems eerily familiar, that’s because it is the now patented look of President Bush’s (groundhog-day) pathology on Iraq… Last night President Bush demanded TV airtime – in the national interest – to tell the American people to stop believing their lying eyes about Iraq. Instead, he wanted them to believe that… Read more.
Legal and Religious Edicts from the Supreme Court & Reverend Billy Graham…
The perennial conflict between church and state has its roots in the founding principles and governing documents of America. On one side of this conflict are Christian fundamentalists who argue that the tradition of America is that of Pilgrims who fled religious persecution in Europe to establish a country where the practices and symbols of… Read more.
BTK Killer: The two Faces of Evil!
Dennis “BTK” Rader: Looking like the psychopathic serial killer he is! For a while yesterday, the cold-blooded but riveting confession of serial killer Dennis Rader competed with the regurgitation of idle speculation and overwrought comments about (missing in Aruba) Natalee Holloway for air time on TV. But here at last was TV coverage worthy of… Read more.
First Bananas, Now Sugar: Europe cutting away its umbilical chord of obligation to former colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific…
About 2 months ago, I wrote a fairly comprehensive commentary on the EU plan to cut its banana trade regime. The regime was implemented in the early 1990s to guarantee a market for all the bananas former European colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) could export whilst placing quotas on the amount… Read more.
We interrupt coverage of the search for Natalee (momentarily) to bring you this briefing from the CIA on the search for Osama…
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BREAKING NEWS – U.S. Now Torturing American Terrorists Too: Convicted Child Molesters Are Being Denied Their Subsidized Viagra!
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