China vs. Taiwan Cold War tensions are rising between the United States and China over Taiwan. I published a commentary a few months ago delineating why. In short, I cited the Cold War tensions between the US and the former Soviet Union over Cuba. Of course, that Cuban Missile Crisis escalated to the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union blinked and retreated… Read more.
Happy Birthday Nelson (Madiba) Mandela!
Today, South Africans celebrated Nelson Mandela’s 87th birthday. They lit a special torch in his Apartheid prison cell as part of a new nationwide drive to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. The prison is located on Robben Island, off Cape Town. Mandela spent almost two decades of his life there as punishment for seeking to end… Read more.
Tiger, Tiger [Still] Burning Bright!
Tiger Woods admiring his trophy after wining the British Open golf championship and sealing his 10th major title – which keeps him well below par to surpass the 18 won by golf legend Jack Nicklaus… His proud grin says it all: Yesterday, Tiger bested a field of golf’s premier players to win another major championship… Read more.
Sowing the Seeds of Our Own Destruction…
Karl Marx: R.I.P? News and Politics Read more.
Hail Harry Potter (VI)!!!
At 12:01 this morning, the latest literary potion from neopagan J.K. Rowling entitled Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was released. And, people (mostly children up way past their bedtime) rushed bookstores with such crazed determination to get their copies that one might have thought they were cocaine addicts jostling each other to score some… Read more.
US First Lady follows-up G8 Summit on AID with Show of Compassion for Africa…
First Lady Laura Bush and daughter Jenna doing their best to balance American financial AID to Africa with some good old fashioned tender loving care! First Lady Laura Bush returns to Washington today after a goodwill tour of Africa that, regrettably, got less coverage in America than the latest “breaking news” from Aruba about futile… Read more.
Running with the Bulls! Hey Papa, the Tradition Lives!
Today is the last of the 7-day annual Spanish Festival Encierro (running of the bulls). And, despite animal rights protesters showing up like skunks at a party, a goring good time was reportedly had by all. Unwelcome guests: Festival organizers had to moooove streaking animal rights activists – many of whom looked like fat cows… Read more.
New Iranian Pres: We Shall Have Nukes! v. Pres Bush: Over My Dead Body!
A few weeks ago, the Islamic Republic of Iran elected a new president in democratic elections that would’ve made even George Washington, the father of American democracy, proud. Unfortunately, it did not please his presidential heir and namesake, George W. Bush. After all, this curious George only likes democratic elections when those elected share his… Read more.
Bush Must Fire His Political Architect Karl Rove, Now!
Karl Rove has cultivated a reputation in Washington DC as the stealth operator who orchestrated a series of improbable election victories for George W. Bush. In fact, after his reelection as president last year, Bush publicly thanked Rove for being the architect of his political career. High praise indeed; but that was then…. Karl Rove… Read more.
Update: Rapper Lil’ Kim gets Jail Time!
Lil’ Kim – accustomed to the worshiping grasps of adoring fans, here recoiling from the intrusive crush of philistine reporters on her way to be sentenced for committing perjury to protect members of her trigger-happy gangsta family. Lil’ Kim appeared in court last week for sentencing after being convicted a few months ago for lying… Read more.