The U.S. Congress finally passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) – by an unseemly close vote of 217-216 – in the wee hours of yesterday morning after personal pleas by President Bush and an awful lot of pork bartering with the people’s money. Yet the most cynical feature of this political luau was… Read more.
HELP: Pregnant Woman Gone Missing…(Remember Laci?)
Note: The following article is posted as part of a blogosphere campaign to seek justice for this missing woman and highlight the profound media bias against covering crimes in America involving non-white victims. (Especially since coverage about some white guy from Connecticut who went missing off his cruise ship in the Mediterranean now threatens to… Read more.
Record Labels Bribed Radio Stations to make J-Lo, Ashlee and others Platinum Selling Pop Stars!
Have you ever wondered why canned music by pop tarts (like Jessica Simpson and her whining little sister Ashlee) outsells real music by gifted artists (like John Legend and Rikki Lee Jones); or why cheesy songs (like Billy Ray Cyrus’ “Achy, Breaky Heart”) are played a hundred times a day whilst more interesting ones (like… Read more.
Space Shuttle Discovery STS-114: T-Minus 10, 9, 8…
We shall not cease from exploration, And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started,And know the place for the first time. [T.S. Elliot] As of the publication of this article, NASA insists that Space Shuttle Discovery will launch today at 10:39 a.m. EDT to mark America’s heroic return to… Read more.
Westerners are Shocked, Shocked to Find There’s Corruption Going on in Russia!
The Putinization of Russia (return to Stalinism) holds nostalgic appeal for poor Russians – many of whom feel betrayed by the unfulfilled promises of democratic reforms and capitalism. But for the oligarchs, burgeoning middle-class and Westerners with vested capital and political interest in Russia, it portends recriminations (such as confiscation of property without just compensation)… Read more.
Lance Armstrong: More Living Inspiration than Cycling Champion!
Today, cyclist Lance Armstrong makes a ceremonial ride along the Champs-Elysees to mark another victory and bid farewell to fans (and his miraculous cycling career) at the appropriately named Arc de Triomphe. Armstrong sealed his sporting legacy by winning an unprecedented 7 consecutive wins at – the world cup of cycling – Le Tour de… Read more.
Al Qaeda Testing the Resolve of Friends of the U.S.
President Bush: The Brits are our best friends and no people are more prepared to take a few bombs for us than they are! And, as for bombing our friends in Egypt, well, if those bastards thought we mistreated them at Abu Gharib, just wait till Hosni [Egyptian President Mubarak] gets his hands on them….… Read more.
Critics of British PM Tony Blair are Giving Aid and Comfort to the Terrorists!
Emergency response teams executing familiar duties after more terror bombings in London yesterday. Pay attention New York! Because random searches of bags on the subway will prove as effective in preventing similar attacks as border patrols have been in preventing illegal immigration to the U.S. from Mexico… Despite Prime Minister Blair’s call for calm, a… Read more.
Despite Live8 and G8, Relief Looms like a Cruel Mirage to Millions of Africans Dying of Starvation!
Less than a month after Live8 bands played and G8 leaders pledged to Make Poverty History, international news agencies are reporting that over one third of Niger’s population of 10 million are on the brink of starvation. But these reports are particularly tragic because for months world leaders simply ignored pleas by private voluntary organizations… Read more.
President Bush Nominates A Conservative to the U.S. Supreme Court!…Duh!
To compliment his wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, self-appointed war President George W. Bush launched a political war at home (and possibly within his own family) last night by nominating conservative Judge John Roberts to replace moderate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court (instead of nominating a moderate or another woman –… Read more.