Let us pray….And, please send aid! And, I urge more targeted donations to the United Negro College Fund to help black college students from New Orleans continue their education under minimal financial duress. News and Politics Read more.
SOUTH AFRICA: Support for (principled) President Wanes as it Surges for His (compromised) Deputy…
Thabo Mbeki: South Africa’s principled but unloved President… What, pray tell, is going on in South Africa! How have political disputes within its ruling African National Congress (ANC) become such an internecine saga that President Thabo Mbeki felt compelled last week to publish an open letter assuring South Africans that his sacking of Deputy President… Read more.
Run For Your Lives, Katrina’s Coming, Katrina’s Coming!
Tracking Katrina: A clear and present danger! TV stations cover natural disasters purportedly as a public service. But there’s no denying that such coverage is a ratings boon for their bottom line – catering as it does to the perverse thrill of suspense that keeps us fixated on the hype of impending doom…. Therefore, it… Read more.
Back to School with Little Hope and Less Promise…
News and Politics Read more.
The Politics of GAS: A Lot of Hot Air!
Many Americans blame oil-producing Arab countries for driving up the price of gas to prohibitive levels. But American oil companies (like ExxonMobil) and the politicians whose careers they fuel are really the ones to blame. Click here to see why the wrath of Americans who are addicted to gas guzzling vehicles should be directed more… Read more.
Update: Sen. Warner Accuses Defense Sec. Rumsfeld of Rigging BRAC (Base Closings)…
Armchair BRAC commissioners Sen. John Warner (center), Gov. Mark Warner (right) and Sen. George Allen (left) vowed to fight – all for one and one for all – to save military installations in their state of Virginia from closure, regardless of their military value to America’s national defense! Yesterday was D-day for many communities in… Read more.
The French Still Trying To Ensnare Cyclist Lance Armstrong In Drugs Scandal…
Is Lance Armstrong a legitimate sports hero or a cycling dope fiend who used his cocktail of cancer drugs to mask the illegal drugs he took to juice his body through 7 consecutive victories in the Tour de France? Lance, buddy, say it ain’t so…. In fact, Armstrong has repeatedly denied doping accusations and has… Read more.
Rev. Pat Robertson Says America Should Take Out Pres. Chavez of Venezuela!
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [Jesus Christ from the gospel according to Mark] Christian crusader Pat Robertson striking his imperial (Napoleonic) pose… Televangelist Pat Robertson is a devout proselytizer of Christian fundamentalist dogma which holds that America should have dominion over… Read more.
Bob Costas and Anderson Cooper Diss Cable News Networks And Their Tabloid Fixation…
When television is good, nothing–not the theater, not the magazines or newspapers–nothing is better .But when television is bad, nothing is worse….Sit down in front of your television set [and] I can assure you that you will observe a vast wasteland. [Newton Minnow, May 1961] Note: This foreboding message was delivered before the advent of… Read more.
The Shotgun Convention of Sunnis, Shias & Kurds to Frame an Iraqi Constitution…
Besides the role of Islam, control of oil production will determine the character and viability of Iraq’s governing authority… This evening at midnight, in Baghdad, the arbitrary 7-day extension the National Assembly granted itself to complete Iraq’s contentious draft constitution expires. And, in order to form a more perfect union, Iraqi Shias and Kurds (who… Read more.