Baltimore Oriole Rafael Palmeiro (C) appearing with former Oakland Athletic and St. Louis Cardinal Mark McGwire (L) and Boston Red Sox Curt Schilling on 17 March before a Congressional committee examining the use of steroids in baseball. Palmeiro vehemently denied – as “vicious, malicious and absolutely false” – the allegation his former teammate Jose Canseco… Read more.
For Some, Doing Business in China Means Leaving your Conscience at the Border!
Some companies doing business in China have committed what Pope Benedict XVI condemns as the sin of moral relativism. Their sin proceeds from the conscious decision to make money off a political economy that thrives on human rights abuses – of every kind imaginable. And, the moral relativism stems from the fact that many of… Read more.
President George Bush: The Most Fit President in History!
President Bush showing that when it comes to his physical fitness initiative he’s prepared to lead by example: Shape-up America! According to the Associated Press, the facts and figures about President Bush’s health, from a physical examination performed on Saturday at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland are as follows: Bush, 59, was… Read more.
How Hot Is It?
News and Politics Read more.
Judgment Days: IRAQ = T-Minus "Who Knows"; NASA = T-Minus 8…
There seems no end to America’s entanglement in Iraq and no one has a clue about how this “democratic experiment” will turn out. On the other hand, NASA astronauts are busy today performing spacewalks to repair damaged thermal tiles on Shuttle Discovery so that when it returns to earth in 8 days it does not… Read more.
IRA Vows to End Its Campaign of Terror Against Britain…
Now that al Qaeda and other jihadists have given the brotherhood of terrorists a bad name, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) has decided that it’s time to lay down arms and foment “troubles” to end British occupation by non-violent political action. Clearly an honourable gesture; but one made dubious, alas, by a rather glaring omission:… Read more.
Update: CAFTA Passes in a Squealer…
The U.S. Congress finally passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) – by an unseemly close vote of 217-216 – in the wee hours of yesterday morning after personal pleas by President Bush and an awful lot of pork bartering with the people’s money. Yet the most cynical feature of this political luau was… Read more.
HELP: Pregnant Woman Gone Missing…(Remember Laci?)
Note: The following article is posted as part of a blogosphere campaign to seek justice for this missing woman and highlight the profound media bias against covering crimes in America involving non-white victims. (Especially since coverage about some white guy from Connecticut who went missing off his cruise ship in the Mediterranean now threatens to… Read more.
Record Labels Bribed Radio Stations to make J-Lo, Ashlee and others Platinum Selling Pop Stars!
Have you ever wondered why canned music by pop tarts (like Jessica Simpson and her whining little sister Ashlee) outsells real music by gifted artists (like John Legend and Rikki Lee Jones); or why cheesy songs (like Billy Ray Cyrus’ “Achy, Breaky Heart”) are played a hundred times a day whilst more interesting ones (like… Read more.
Space Shuttle Discovery STS-114: T-Minus 10, 9, 8…
We shall not cease from exploration, And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started,And know the place for the first time. [T.S. Elliot] As of the publication of this article, NASA insists that Space Shuttle Discovery will launch today at 10:39 a.m. EDT to mark America’s heroic return to… Read more.