According to superstition, deaths of public figures usually come in 3s and in rather quick succession. And even though I am atheistic about superstition, I’m constrained to acknowledge this eerie coincidence as I pay tribute to John H. Johnson who died yesterday (Monday) at the age of 87. After all, Johnson’s passing came on the… Read more.
ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings is Dead
On 5 April 2005, in a remarkable display of courage and serenity, Peter Jennings went on air to announce his lung cancer diagnosis. At the time he proclaimed himself a survivor and a fighter. And, fight he did until he was overcome last night at the age of 67. For many people around the world,… Read more.
Buena Vista Social Club Singer Ibrahim Ferrer is Dead
If he’s not too late, perhaps Peter Jennings can hitch a ride to heaven on the chariot of Ibrahim Ferrer, lead singer of the Buena Vista Social Club band, who died on Saturday in Havana. Ferrer suffered from emphysema. Although, miraculously, it never caused a discordant note in his mesmerizing voice – which was reportedly… Read more.
Bush New Energy Plan: Add Daylight Saving…Days?
Or better still, my own 60-day month: June, July, August, Bushember, September… Hey, if Roman Emperors (Julius and Augustus Caesar) could do it, why not the most powerful man in history – the president of the United States (and leader of the free world)? Hail Bush! News and Politics Read more.
U.S. Guards Fight New Border Control Plan…
News and Politics Read more.
Teachers Having Sex with Students Is Now a Trending as Tutoring
The arrest of female teachers is becoming a trend. That’s because those teachers are offering sex to students as after-school tutoring. And no student in their right mind can refuse. Besides, it’s better to have teachers f*cking students than students fighting teachers. Teacher Sandra Beth Geisel having sex with her students English teacher Sandra Beth Geisel joined this rouges’… Read more.
Update: Palmeiro Now Faces Congressional Perjury Probe…
Just as President Bill Clinton infamously immortalized his denial of having sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky, so too will baseball player Rafael Palmeiro go down in infamy for his sanctimonious finger-wagging denial of ever taking those drugs, steriods: Liar, liar tights on fire! The U.S. Congress announced yesterday that it intends to investigate… Read more.
Hugo Chávez Replaces Fidel Castro as America’s Foreign Enemy #1 in the Americas…
For almost a half century, Fidel Castro has bedeviled 10 successive American Presidents with his defiantly socialist rhetoric and dictatorial control over Cuba. In fact, despite coup attempts (Bay of Pigs), CIA assassination plots (exploding cigars) and economic sabotage (the ongoing embargo), American leaders have been unable to humble Castro or undermine his rule. Indeed,… Read more.
The Worst Plane Disaster in Canadian History…That Never Happened!
An associate popped into my office yesterday afternoon at around 4:20 to alert me to the spectacular images of a commercial jumbo jet engulfed in flames on the TV in one of our conference rooms. I immediately joined others who were watching with macabre anticipation for accounts of the dead. We soon learned that it… Read more.
Update: Bush Appoints Bolton to the UN over Congressional Objections!
The presidency of George W. Bush remains beset by fair questions of legitimacy and legality. And, most prominent amongst them are questions about the legitimacy of his own election in 2000 and the legality of the Iraq war (including the no bid contracts granted to Halliburton to provide logistical support for the war). It is… Read more.