I heartily endorse the prospect of a female president of the United States. In fact, last March, I published a commentary on a dream contest between Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice for the 2008 presidential election. Because I really believe either one of these women would do a far better job as president than any… Read more.
$500 Billion for Hurricane Repairs! Who Pays?
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Nazi-Hunter Simon Wiesenthal is Dead!
Simon Wiesenthal, the holocaust survivor who waged a relentless crusade to bring Nazi war criminals to justice, died last Tuesday at 96. Angels report that Wiesenthal was so proficient in his fight against evil that – upon reaching the pearly gates of heaven – God granted him a special dispensation to visit the Devil to… Read more.
Hurricane Rita!
When Hurricane Katrina was still gathering storm in the Gulf of Mexico a few weeks ago, I commented that if any country were equal to the task of Mother Nature’s fury, it is the United States. I cited America’s abundant resources, emergency management protocols and evacuation plans as all anyone could hope for to limit… Read more.
Kate Moss is a Junkie. Duh!
Kate Moss is a Junkie Skeletal model Kate Moss is a cocaine-snorting, junkie-loving, child-neglecting, lesbian-shtupping dilettante. Yet last week, the world was “shocked, shocked” to learn she gives new meaning to Diet Coke. Sponsor H&M reacted by dropping Moss. Supposedly, it can’t have a model with her moral turpitude modeling its debauched clothing line. Other sponsors are bound… Read more.
Rap Diva Lil’ Kim is Singing the Prison Blues…
Lil’ Kim is screaming diva discrimination from behind bars today. She’s pissed-off because the prison officials who sent domestic diva Martha Stewart to a “camp cupcake” that smacked of suburban charm, sent her instead to a camp pigpen that reeks of ghetto squalor. Bitch on Lil’ Kim! News and Politics Read more.
Resolving the North Korean Menace!
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is a joke – as Israel, Pakistan and India attest. Besides, every country has the right to develop and possess any weapon it chooses for its national defense; provided, however, that that country is not led by religious fanatics (e.g., Iran) who claim divine authority to determine which countries have the… Read more.
Masako Owada, Japan’s Princess Di, a Royal Disappointment
Royalty Royalty is an absurd anachronism. It’s an ostentatious affront to the universal declaration that all people are created equal. Yet millions of people remain loyal to this imperial vestige of national governance. Mind you, many royals seem incapable of conforming their behavior to the standards of common decency, to say nothing of royal etiquette. But their behavior… Read more.
Herr Schröder Refuses to Concede Defeat to Frau Merkel In Historic German Elections!
Wilkommen Angela: Good luck trying to discipline the spoiled German people who have no concept of national sacrifice after years of political indulgence under Grandpa Gerhardt. So much for the infamous German “ordnung must seien” (order!). Because the political chaos following yesterday’s national elections makes the “banana republic” craziness following the 2000 presidential elections in… Read more.
BANKRUPTCY: For the Rich – a Shrewd Financial Strategy; For the Poor – a Suicidal Plunge into Financial Ruin!
News and Politics Read more.