“White folks don’t understand about the blues. They hear it come out but they don’t know how it got there. They don’t understand that’s life’s way of talking. You don’t sing to feel better. You sing ’cause that’s a way of understanding life.” — From Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom by August Wilson It is a… Read more.
Bush appoints judicial virgin Harriet Miers to U.S. Supreme Court
When Bush nominated the supremely qualified and inimitably reasonable Judge John Roberts to replace William Rehnquist as the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, he took the bite out of his Democratic adversaries who were frothing for a dogged political fight. And now his nomination of the well-qualified and temperamentally immaculate Harriet Miers to… Read more.
William Bennett’s muses about killing every black baby to reduce crime
“You could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.” – William Bennett on his show Morning in America When conservative talk show host William J. Bennett posited this genocidal crime fighting strategy last week, he may have intrigued his listeners but he outraged everyone else in America. And,… Read more.
Hurricanes blow away Bush’s money supply
News and Politics Read more.
Cognitive dissonance in American politics
Ex-FEMA Director Michael D. Brown testified on Tuesday before a Congressional Select Committee investigation preparation and response to Hurricane Katrina . But he found out that telling the truth in American politics invariably transforms one into a national joke! Of course, Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis could have told him as much…. News and Politics Read more.
Hear ye, hear ye: The Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts
Yesterday, John Glover Roberts Jr was sworn in as the 17th Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. He will now preside over a Court that has become the arbiter of what is not only legal in America but also of what is morally correct! In a surprising bipartisan gesture, the Senate voted 78-22… Read more.
Final word on Natalee Holloway
Beth Holloway seems to have conceded that her daughter Natalee will never be found; and worse still, that those she is convinced are responsible for her disappearance will never be prosecuted. And unless one has lost a child under similar horrific and mysterious circumstances, I suppose it’s impossible to understand what motivated Mrs Holloway to… Read more.
Republican Majority Leader Tom (the Hammer) DeLay Indicted!
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay was indicted yesterday on felony conspiracy charges stemming from a Texas (good ole boy) fundraising scam. In response to the indictment, DeLay issued the following politically correct statement: I have notified the Speaker that I will temporarily step aside from my position as majority leader pursuant to rules of the… Read more.
Final word on Cindy Sheehan
The force of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita sucked public sympathy and media attention away from Cindy Sheehan (whose son was killed in action in Iraq). And, it seems this notoriously grieving mother does not appreciate losing her grip on the public’s consciousness to Mother Nature and the victims whose lives she devastated. But Mrs Sheehan… Read more.
New HIV/AIDS Vaccine: An Old Jewish Ritual…
A South African AIDS expert Saturday advocated male circumcision as the best available “vaccine” against the virus in his country, where an estimated 6 million people are infected and more than 600 people die every day. So began a hopeful but controversial Circumcision: The ultimate slice of faith for Jews that may also offer protection… Read more.