New Orleans cops doing their best to rid the “Big Easy” of drunks and rabble rousers (at least the black ones)…in time for Mardi Gras In the aftermath of Los Angeles cops being caught on tape beating Rodney King to a pulp, I was obliged to explain to my dumfounded white friends why so many… Read more.
The NYC terror alert was a hoax; but this whole war on terror is a big joke
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg – who demonstrated fearless leadership by taking the subway to work despite what he thought was a credible threat – is seen in this photo-op calming and commiserating with an equally fearless New Yorker – who probably thought the terror alert was a joke when he announced it I know a… Read more.
Americans: NOT scared straight by fears of HIV/AIDS
Today, a casual hook-up can get you not only knocked-up but also killed. But many people just don’t care Sex education in the age of HIV/AIDS seems to have had little impact on sexual behaviour in the United States. Because, despite all of the alarming reports about the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STDs, Americans… Read more.
Diamonds: The crack of the jet-set and wanna-be fools looking to part with their money
Diamonds are forever – but so is Herpes. And diamonds have about as much socially redeeming value as this terminal virus. Crude, but true; and here’s why: The idle rich spend veritable fortunes adorning themselves in these glittering gems. But it’s about time that people of conscience join the muzzled voices that are exposing diamond… Read more.
Update: Angela Merkel finally celebrates her election as Germany’s first female Chancellor
I’m not one to say I told you so: But Germany’s 18 September national elections – that resulted in a presidential standoff between incumbent Herr Schröder and challenger Frau Merkel – finally ended yesterday on precisely the terms I predicted. Click here to read my prescient morning-after election analysis and here to read how German… Read more.
South Asia earthquake kills 18,000…and counting
Our prayers go out to the people of South Asia who were rocked by a massive earthquake yesterday that triggered mudslides and tremors which destroyed towns and villages across Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. Thankfully, we know how quickly and efficiently the U.S (and other countries) responded to the devastating Tsunami that washed away so much… Read more.
Europeans erecting fences to maintain good relations with African neighbours
Almost 50 years after Cuba’s socialist revolution, it is untenable for America to maintain an (affirmative action) immigration policy that gives Cubans EZ passes into this country (just to spite Fidel Castro); whilst erecting ever increasing barriers for all other immigrants from the Caribbean (even summarily repatriation many of them – as is invariably the… Read more.
Exposing the real Bill Clinton
Just when you thought it was safe to respect former President Bill Clinton comes a book by former FBI Director Louis Freeh – detailing how truly venal this man was, and probably still is. One of the highlights Freeh discloses on 60 Minutes this Sunday night is that – instead of demanding that his friends… Read more.
U.S. foils brazen attempt by Iraqi Shia and Kurds to rig votes in the interest of democracy
Billboard advertising the 15 October vote on Iraq’s draft constitution that Shia and Kurds hoped would be a mere formality In the grand tradition of American democracy, Iraqi Shia and Kurds joined forces in their provisional parliament last Sunday and unilaterally changed Iraq’s electoral law to make it almost impossible for disgruntled Sunnis to undermine… Read more.
The looming pandemic of Avian (Bird) flu
Anyone who is unnerved by predictions of a cataclysmic terrorist strike – of a magnitude 1000 times greater than 9/11 – will be petrified by predictions of a pandemic outbreak of Bird Flu. Because World Health Organisation (WHO) scientists are predicting fatalities of between 50 and 150 million people; and, they seem resigned to the… Read more.