With the U.S. National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) now grounded indefinitely, the Chinese Space Programme’s completion of its second space flight last week positions China to lead the world in the colonization of space. And a good thing too; because, wouldn’t we all prefer Chinese food than McDonald’s in space? News and Politics Read more.
Alas, defendant Saddam has too many skeletons to hide in his closet…GUILTY!
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Update: Condi vs Hillary…for President? Oh Boy!
A measure of the partisan antipathy towards Hillary Clinton is the fact that a bombastic anti-Hillary book – by disaffected Bill Clinton political Svengali Dick Morris – is selling like the second printing of a Harry Potter novel. The book Condi vs Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race offers reliable (if not intimate) insights into… Read more.
U.S. declares zero tolerance immigration policy…yeah right!
On Monday, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff made the following declaration: “Our goal at DHS [Department Homeland Security] is to completely eliminate the ‘catch and release’ enforcement problem, and return every single illegal entrant, no exceptions.” This “BREAKING NEWS” was evidently intended to calm Americans who have been unnerved by a series of false terror… Read more.
Oooh Wil-maaa!
Weather reports indicate that Hurricane Wilma is tracking to make landfall on the west coast of Florida on Saturday. And, it does not bode well that this hurricane has already churned up the record as the strongest hurricane ever formed in the Americas. But Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has given the U.S. residents in… Read more.
A laughing shame: Robert Mugabe, malevolent dictator, gets rounds of applause at UN Conference
Even Chavez and Mugabe could not resist laughing at the absurdity of the UN inviting Mugabe to address a conference on the political causes of world hunger As this previous article illustrates, I’m a big fan of the maverick President of Venezuela – Hugo Chavez. I fully support the poverty alleviation programmes he’s implemented to… Read more.
Update: Japan gives the finger to its aggrieved neighbours
Yesterday, in a serene yet defiant and provocative gesture, Japanese Prime Minster Junichiro Koizumi paid his respects at Japan’s shrine to its war dead Once again, Japanese PM Koizumi has made quite a jingoistic show of visiting the Yasukuni War Shrine to pay homage to Japan’s war dead. On such previous occasions, China issued pro… Read more.
Millions More Movement (and That’s Millions More Dollars, Not People – Fool!)
Minister Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam (NOI) marked the 10th anniversary of their Million Man March (the March) by calling Black men, women, and children to the National Mall again on Saturday to launch their Millions More Movement (the Movement). But, considering that I am still in despair over dashed hopes and broken promises… Read more.
With their series of summit talks, world leaders seem to be following Alfred Hitchcock’s prescription for dealing with Bird Flu
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These days, Americans manufacture more news than they do consumer goods
I’m not sure why anyone was shocked, shocked that White House news producers staged a teleconference this week featuring President Bush and properly rehearsed American and Iraqi soldiers to tout the pockets of success in their fight against Islamic jihadists and Iraqi insurgents. After all, these same producers have staged almost everything Bush has done… Read more.