“I decided to make it a woman so that I wouldn’t have to pay the model as much.” Click here for a brief history of this American holiday. Read more.
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist is Dead!
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist of the United States Supreme Court died of cancer last night at his home in the Washington DC suburb of Arlington, Virginia. He was 80 years old. May he rest in peace! (Please click here to read his obituary.) Note: For those of us who decry the racial politics that… Read more.
New Orleans: The Merit of Moral Relativism and Pictures that Lie!
Much has been made of the looting in New Orleans this week. And, true to form, the pictures American media decided to broadcast told a very misleading story. But here are a few points of clarification: Blacks comprise nearly 70% of the population of New Orleans and the vast majority of them chose not to… Read more.
Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts Marked by Death, Destruction, Despair…Anarchy!
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been here three days, yet there is no command and control. We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims but we can’t bail out the city of New Orleans. It’s a national disgrace. [Terry Ebbert, director of FEMA New Orleans] Enough said? Well, just a final thought:… Read more.
President Bush: Cheerleader-in-Chief?
President Bush assures hurricane victims that the cavalry is on the way – as his Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, director of the government’s relief efforts, looks on… Yesterday, President Bush made his first address to the nation on the ravages of Hurricane Katrina from the splendor of his rose garden at the White… Read more.
Rev. Jesse Jackson Gives Political Cover To President Hugo Chavez…
Rev. Jesse Jackson and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez: Holding a joint news conference on Monday at Chavez’s Miraflores Palace in Caracas, Venezuela. Jackson seized the opportunity to condemn as a “criminal act” Rev. Pat Robertson’s call last week for America to take out Chavez; and, to reject as “politically motivated” President Bush’s claim that Chavez… Read more.
New Orleans: The Day After…
Let us pray….And, please send aid! And, I urge more targeted donations to the United Negro College Fund to help black college students from New Orleans continue their education under minimal financial duress. News and Politics Read more.
SOUTH AFRICA: Support for (principled) President Wanes as it Surges for His (compromised) Deputy…
Thabo Mbeki: South Africa’s principled but unloved President… What, pray tell, is going on in South Africa! How have political disputes within its ruling African National Congress (ANC) become such an internecine saga that President Thabo Mbeki felt compelled last week to publish an open letter assuring South Africans that his sacking of Deputy President… Read more.
Run For Your Lives, Katrina’s Coming, Katrina’s Coming!
Tracking Katrina: A clear and present danger! TV stations cover natural disasters purportedly as a public service. But there’s no denying that such coverage is a ratings boon for their bottom line – catering as it does to the perverse thrill of suspense that keeps us fixated on the hype of impending doom…. Therefore, it… Read more.
Back to School with Little Hope and Less Promise…
News and Politics Read more.