Which of these two White House aides just looks guilty: Vice President Cheney’s smug Chief of Staff I. Lewis “Scooter Libby (above) or President Bush’s cherubic political architect Karl Rove (below)? Like kids giddy with suspense on Christmas morning, today all of Washington is anxiously awaiting the announcement by special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald of… Read more.
The Borking of Harriet Miers
Harriet Miers has been borked!* Just weeks ago when President Bush thrust judicial virgin Harriet Miers into the political grinder as his nominee to the Supreme Court, he seemed cocksure that he had made the right decision. But yesterday, he withdrew her nomination amidst withering criticism from intellectual snobs and Christian fundamentalists (in his own… Read more.
Iran declares Final Solution for peace in the Middle East
The world seems shocked that Iran’s secular (and disarmingly genial) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is turning out be less of a religious fanatic – like Ayotollah Khomeini, but more of a genocidal fascist – like Adolf Hitler Anyone (like me) who harboured hopes that Iran’s first non-cleric leader would moderate the jihadist rhetoric of the country’s… Read more.
USA Today Caught Doctoring Photo of Condoleezza Rice – to Demonize Her
USA Today published a doctored photo of Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice. It blackened her face and whitened her eyes. The explicit aim was to demonize rather than flatter her. That’s why it’s facing so much backlash. USA Today doctoring Dr. Rice TIME magazine published a doctored photo of O.J. Simpson to a similar effect. It wanted to portray… Read more.
Update: British MP George Galloway went to Washington…and committed perjury?
I, George Galloway MP, do solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…as it is known to me, a man of principles who does not concern himself with petty details like bank deposits. Now, what’s all this rubbish about me lying under oath… In this article published on 18… Read more.
Update: The 419 Nigerian scams
“There’s a sucker born every minute.” [P.T. Barnum (allegedly)] Just over 6 weeks ago, I published this article on the infamous 419 Nigerian scams. I did so because a number of friends and colleagues were enquiring about email business solicitations that – although tempting – just seemed too good to be true (as was always… Read more.
Rosa Parks is dead!
Rosa Parks, matriarch of the Black American Civil Rights Movement, died last night at 92. And, if you don’t know who she was and why she is destined to become as iconic a figure in American history as Martin Luther King, Jr., then shame on you! After all, notwithstanding the efforts of M L King… Read more.
Wag the Dog? Bush and new best pal Jacque Chirac target Syria
With the quagmire in Iraq, the debacle of his Harriet Miers nomination and the looming indictment of the man he calls his political “architect” – Karl Rove, President Bush is clearly having an annus horribilis. And, just as the second terms of his recent predecessors were plagued by scandals (Reagan – Iran Contra; Clinton –… Read more.
Wilma: Hasta la vista Mexico; Good morning America…and Bahamas!
Images of Wilma’s destruction in Mexico: Images of hurricane destruction are becoming as commonplace in the Americas as images of bomb explosions in Iraq. Indeed, these pictures show that Hurricane Wilma did to the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico (including Cancun) much of what Hurricane Katrina did to the Gulf Coast of Louisiana (including New Orleans).… Read more.
Tropical storm Alpha makes a most unwelcome visit through the tropics
Here are a few images from this relatively ignored but no less destructive storm still raging through the Caribbean; thus far, leaving 5 dead in Haiti: Hurricane Alpha making landfall on the island of the Hispaniola (comprised of Haiti and the Dominican Republic) early yesterday Haitians holding on for dear life on the streets of… Read more.