Yesterday, 34 Heads of State convened their Fourth Summit of the Americas in Argentina amidst street riots that made a mockery of their diplomatic agenda. Because news of what little progress they make towards creating a Free Trade Area of the Americas will be rendered mute, if not moot, by the raucous and violent anti-American,… Read more.
The French played with Muslim fire and now…
Paris is burning! For the past 7 days and 7 nights, Muslims have been rioting in French cities to vent political, economic (and religious) grievances that are eerily similar to those that provoked blacks to riot and burn American cities in the late 1960s. In this era of Islamic terrorism, however, the situation in France… Read more.
Black Entertainment Television (BET) disses Rosa Parks
Yesterday, between meetings and conference calls, my partners and I tuned in to the Rosa Parks funeral being broadcast live from Detroit, Michigan. In addition to paying my last respects, I was eager to watch it because I’ve known since childhood that black preaching and singing are never more inspiring and heavenly than they are… Read more.
China’s booming economy is bound to go bust
Despite a rate of growth that is the envy of the world, China’s economy is, in fact, a ticking time bomb. Because the 1.3 billion people providing cheap labour to fuel its boom represent mushrooming fuel demands that portend its bust. Of course, Chinese leaders are acutely aware of this pending doom. And, notwithstanding the… Read more.
Update: Bush’s smiling assassin finally gets his day in court
Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, a 24 year old American student, will probably spend the rest of his life in prison. And the legal formalities to ensure his fate got underway yesterday in a courtroom just outside Washington DC – where Abu Ali is on trial for allegedly conspiring to assassinate President Bush. In an article… Read more.
Meet President Bush’s unmiered follow-up to the Harriet Miers nomination debacle
President Bush has just announced Judge Samuel A. Alito as his “second” most qualified nominee to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court of the United States. Alas, notwithstanding his impeccable credentials, the nomination process in America has become so bereft of political integrity that the only thing one needs to know… Read more.
Courting America PART II: England’s King and Queen (in waiting) preview their “working” tour of America
In a preemptive PR move to establish his royal and political relevance, Prince Charles condescended to a carefully managed interview on the popular American news programme 60 Minutes (e.g., no questions about the well-documented spousal abuse he inflicted upon Princess Diana was allowed). The interview gave the Prince a national forum to declaim on everything… Read more.
Courting America PART I: Prince Albert of Monaco tries to explain to America why his black son is unfit to be a Prince
One would have expected the smooth-talking, cosmopolitan and media savvy Prince Albert II of Monaco to acquit himself well under questioning from TV journalists about his illegitimate black son; especially since any commoner could have anticipated the questions that would be asked. Yet as I reviewed the video of his appearance on Good Morning America… Read more.
U.S. pays unprecedented tribute to Rosa Parks
The U.S. Congress voted yesterday to pay tribute to Civil Rights icon Rosa Parks by allowing her to become the first woman (and only the 30th person in American history) to Lie in Honour at the U.S. Capitol. Those wishing to pay their last respect can see her in repose tomorrow and on Monday. Farewell… Read more.
UN Report cites international firms, British MP George Galloway and others as thieves
BREAKING NEWS: Feeding frenzy in New York as journalists line-up for their copy of the most anticipated Report ever published by the United Nations. Meanwhile… Buried in schadenfreude and lamentations here in Washington, DC over President Bush’s withdrawal of his Harriet Miers nomination and looming indictments against one or more White House aides was news… Read more.