A week ago yesterday, the talk in Hollywood (and all over America) was about the scheduled appearance that night of mega-celebrity and life guru Oprah Winfrey on “Late Night with David Letterman”. Of course, Oprah has appeared on many TV shows to flak her projects. But what fueled the hype on this occasion was the… Read more.
All the presidents’ women…who clean up their political mess
When President Reagan got into trouble for diverting funds from Iran to the Contras, wife Nancy protected his tarnished behind by diverting blame on others and firing Reagan’s Chief of Staff to make her point. When President Clinton got into trouble for declaring under oath that “I never had sex with that woman…”, wife Hillary… Read more.
Prosecutors allege Zuma put the nail in his own coffin
Things have taken a terrible turn for the ethically challenged former Deputy President of South Africa – Jacob Zuma. In this previous article, I commented on the shady financial dealings that compelled President Thabo Mbeki to sack Zuma last June. But back then, his sacking only seemed to increase Zuma’s popularity amongst members of the… Read more.
The next British Prime Minister?
This very English man has all the right stuff to be the next Prime Minister of England. His name is David Cameron. He was elected as the new leader of the opposition Conservative Party yesterday, primarily because he’s every bit as young (at 39), telegenic, impudent and glib as current PM Tony Blair was when he was… Read more.
Saddam takes over Iraq’s kangaroo court
Instead of planting stories to make them look good, American military overseers in Iraq should stop showing stories that make them look bad. Specifically, if they are the puppet masters of everything Iraqi officials do, why, pray tell, would they allow this mother of all trials starring Saddam Hussein to be shown, not only on… Read more.
Please, spare us the al-Qaeda obituaries!
When it is over, if it is over, this war [in Iraq] will have horrible consequences….Terrorism will be aggravated….Instead of one bin Laden there will be one hundred bin Ladens. Terrorist organizations will be united. Everything will be insecure. [Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak – March 2003] Yesterday, news anchors across America stumbled over the name… Read more.
Political Earthquakes in Israel…
Two weeks ago, in a move that shook the world and registered at least a 9 on the political Richter scale, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon abandoned the ruling right-wing Likud Party – which he helped found over 30 years ago – and formed a new centrist party called Kadima! Then, last week, in an… Read more.
Alas, Iraqis see little difference between Saddam’s dictatorship and American-style democracy…
With its prison abuse scandals, violations of international laws of warfare, use of chemical weapons against “insurgents” and funding of propaganda stories in the national press, American-style democracy in Iraq is bearing an uncanny resemblance to Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship. Yet, Americans wonder why “freedom loving Iraqis” are not throwing rose petals in the path of… Read more.
New Immigration laws promise comfort to fools in Washington and Paris
Reflecting uncanny coincidence or, perhaps, just shared desperation, the United States and France announced new anti-immigration measures on Tuesday that are aimed at “preventing terrorists [and rioters] from crossing [their] borders.” For his part, President Bush used the background of the notoriously porous fence at the US-Mexican border to warn would-be illegal immigrants (some of… Read more.
Help! Ethnic Cleansing and Starvation Persist in Africa
For years now, Arab militiamen have slowly starved and repeatedly raped the African women of Darfur as part of their cruel and inhumane campaign of ethnic cleansing More than a year ago, then U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell declared that the systematic raping, pillaging and killing of black Africans in Sudan’s Darfur region constitute… Read more.