News and Politics Read more.
To spy or not to spy: that is the "War on Terror" question…
It boggles the mind to think that Americans are as divided over whether it’s appropriate for the government to spy – without judicial warrants – on U.S. citizens suspected of having ties to terrorists, as they were over whether Al Gore or George Bush should have been elected president in 2000. But, that appears to… Read more.
Both sides claim victory in settlement of NYC transit strike?
“UPDATE II (Dec 24, 5:15am): In Memoriam…Organized labor in America is dead! I was wrong about the determination of the ostensibly powerful TWU to match wits with the MTA – not only for the benefit of its members but also for the sake of laborers all over America who corporate managers today regard as all… Read more.
SHOCKING NEWS! Chalabi rejected by Iraqi electorate…
Even though it may be some time before the winners are announced, the biggest loser in Iraq’s historic December 15 elections will undoubtedly be Ahmed Chalabi (shown here with a look of utter despair, indignation…disbelief!). And, his shocking failure to win a seat for himself in Iraq’s new National Assembly (to say nothing of winning… Read more.
Another pointless British holiday…but we’ll take it!
In almost all Commonwealth countries, the Boxing Day Holiday is usually observed on December 26 (the day after Christmas). But whenever Christmas falls on a Saturday or Sunday (as is the case this year), then Boxing Day is actually celebrated on the next 2nd weekday (the 1st reserved for Christmas, of course). Which means that… Read more.
The homosexual mainstream: Elton John getting married is one thing….But this?
This affair should give a whole new meaning (and feeling) to Brokeback Mountain News and Politics Read more.
SALT: South Africa’s giant leap into the stratosphere of technology!
The South African Large Telescope (SALT) Observatory Despite all of the good things happening in Africa these days, media reports invariably focus on the blights of famine, disease, corruption and violence. Therefore, I take great pride in sharing news of a recent event which marked a stellar achievement for Africa by universal standards. The event… Read more.
Gap between rich and poor in communist China is sowing seeds of resentment and terminal unrest
In this article, published just 7 weeks ago, I predicted that: “Despite a rate of growth that is the envy of the world, China’s economy is, in fact, a ticking time bomb. Because the 1.3 billion people providing cheap labour to fuel its boom represent mushrooming fuel demands that portend its bust.” I also stated… Read more.
Fellow Islanders mourn the loss of family and friends after Miami plane crash
Preliminary report from National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) officials indicates that this fatal crash may have been caused by a crack in the right wing of the aircraft. But this report comes as little consolation to those who are now suffering unimaginable grief this holiday season. I pay heart-felt condolence to all Bahamian families and… Read more.
New York City mass transit strike!
I publish today in solidarity with members of the Transport Workers Union (TWU) whose long-simmering grievances with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) finally compelled them to take strike action in NYC yesterday. I have no doubt that workers everywhere can relate to the TWU’s well-founded concerns about Pension Benefits, Fair Wages, and Health Insurance and… Read more.