Dear Readers…Friends I was genuinely touched that so many of you took the time and effort to email expressions of sympathy after reading about my Daddy’s death. I have never received more than 500 emails in one day (spam included). Since publishing his death notice on Thursday, however, I have received over 3100 emails of… Read more.
My Daddy died last night…
Reuben H. Hall, Sr (1929 – 2006) My Daddy died last night He was a great man – complete with tragic flaws He will be missed. May God have mercy on his soul! May he rest in peace… Read more.
TIME and BET Persons of the year: The sublime and the ridiculous…
A few weeks ago, when TIME revealed Bono and Bill & Melinda Gates as its 2005 Persons of the Year, I thought it was sublime. After all, no one did more last year than Bono to lift the debt burden ($40 billion) that has suffocated economic development in Africa – like an Albatross – for… Read more.
It’s official: Latin America elects first female head of state
On Sunday, Chileans elected Michelle Bachelet as their new president – making her the first female head of state in Latin America. But, despite being a cause for unqualified celebration, officials in the Bush Administration greeted this good news with little more than pro forma acknowledgement. Here’s why: For U.S. President George W. Bush, Bachelet’s… Read more.
Happy Birthday Dr King!
The following are the final public words of American civil rights leader Dr Martin Luther King Jr. They were delivered at the end of a speech in support of striking sanitation workers at Mason Temple in Memphis, TN on 3 April 1968 — the day before he was assassinated: “Well, I don’t know what will… Read more.
The anticlimactic race for Canada’s next Prime Minister…
A week from tomorrow, Canadians will go to the polls to ratify Conservative Leader Stephen Harper as their new Prime Minister. Click here to read why all of the desperate attempts by incumbent Liberal Leader PM Paul Martin to hold on to power have bitten him in the ass and only reinforced his Party’s reputation… Read more.
Rev Pat Robertson’s message from God: Ah, what He meant to say was…
Last week, in the immediate aftermath of Israeli PM Aerial Sharon’s massive stroke, televangelist Pat Robertson announced that God confided in him that He struck down Sharon for daring to give to Palestinians land He promised the Jews, His chosen people. This week, however, after the Israelis were so outraged that they rescinded a $50… Read more.
Oprah’s Book Club scandal…
Oprah is easily the most influential television personality in America, if not the world. Nothing demonstrates her influence more than her ability to flak obscure and often mediocre books into national best sellers. What kept Oprah soaring beyond the firmament of other meteoric stars, however, was the fact that her celebrity seemed completely immune to… Read more.
Marion Barry Is Back on Crack: Former DC Mayor Relapses
Marion Barry is back on crack Marion Barry violated the terms of his probation by testing positive for cocaine. But nobody should be surprised. Because Barry was just doing what junkies do. I expressed utter contempt when he began posturing as a “born-again” politician. And I was dismayed that so many people, especially Blacks, thought… Read more.
Global warming here, maybe; But what about over there…
Like Noah parting the Red Sea, snow ploughers in Japan parted 13 feet of snow to create this surreal path from their home I prayed for snowfall in Washington over the New Year holiday because I had elaborate plans to entertain nieces and nephews from the Caribbean who had never frolicked in snow. Regrettably, not… Read more.