Today, Muslims in Asia (Afghanistan) joined the protest, whicspread like wildfire throughout the Middle East last week after European newspapers published caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad – drawn by Danish cartoonists. Unfortunately, most Europeans seem as dumfounded by their grievance as the French were about the grievances that ignited a fiery rampage amongst Muslim youths… Read more.
My pick in today’s Super Bowl: Seattle Seahawks by 6! (And Ford wins big over GM!)
Seattle v Pittsburg, Super Bowl Read more.
Betty Friedan is dead!
Many liberated women believe that feminism remains in the death throes of a backlash because NOW was hijacked in the 1970s from pioneering women like Betty Friedan – who thought the movement should focus on issues like equal pay, sex-neutral help-wanted ads, maternity leave, child-care centers for working parents and legal abortion, by bra-burning women… Read more.
Exxon: Maximizing profits? Why it’s as American as apple pie and Chevrolet!
Exxon profits Read more.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!
President Bush, State of the Union, FDR Read more.
A scandal’s a scandal: in America, the Caribbean and everywhere…
Many of us in the Caribbean are commenting on the scandals plaguing America with undisguised schadenfreude. And, who can blame us. After all, for decades, successive U.S. governments have treated us more like feudal territories than sovereign nations. And, these administrations never resisted an opportunity to lecture our national leaders on the requirements of good… Read more.
Hear ye, Hear ye: Senate confirms Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court!
President Bush congratulating Judge Alito at the White House yesterday upon his confirmation as the 110th Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court – by a Senate vote of 58-42.Yesterday, in a development that proved anti-climatic from the day President Bush won reelection over John F. Kerry in November 2004, the Senate confirmed conservative Judge Samuel… Read more.
Coretta Scott King is dead!
I’ve been dismayed over the years by the number of purportedly intelligent and fair-minded white people who have questioned why Coretta Scott King is so revered just because she was married to Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. But whenever I condescended to disabuse them of their ignorance in this respect, I merely sufficed to query… Read more.
Playwright Wendy Wasserstein is dead!
You may not be familiar with her name, but her creativity has contributed so much to public consciousness (in America and around the world) that you’re probably familiar with her work…without even knowing it. Like many people, I was introduced to Wasserstein’s creative genius in 1989 through her critically acclaimed play The Heidi Chronicles. But… Read more.
Gay cruise provokes religious hysteria in the Caribbean
Reprinted from Caribbean Net News Published on 31 January 2006 A cruise ship carrying “up to 3,200…active homosexuals” is scheduled to drop anchor today in Grand Cayman. However, pastors representing the Cayman Ministers’ Association (CMA) are raising holy hell about the prospect of these passengers setting foot on Caymanian soil. I understand… Read more.