“I’m the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend….It was not Harry’s fault…You cannot blame anybody else.” [Avid outdoorsman VP Dick Cheney to Britt Hume of FOX News on shooting his hunting buddy last weekend…. Perhaps now he’ll do more fishing than shooting. ] Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney finally met the press… Read more.
One-Year Anniversary of The Ipinions Journal!
Today marks the one-year anniversary of this journal. And, I thought it appropriate to celebrate the occasion by thanking all of the readers who have supported it over the past year. Therefore, my heart-felt thanks to the thousands of people around the world who my webmaster informs me are daily readers! I launched this weblog… Read more.
What to make of last week’s elections in Haiti…
I must admit that I do not know who amongst the motley crew of 34 candidates in last week’s presidential elections offered the best leadership prospects for Haiti. But ever since it descended into virtual anarchy during the final days of the Aristide presidency in early 2004, I have felt that Haiti does not need… Read more.
Who says our Muslim brothers have no sense of humour…
Prophet Muhammad cartoons, Muslims protests Read more.
Danish cartoonists plead for face transplants?
Confirming the Frankenstein possibilities of modern science, a French woman made international news on Monday when she revealed herself as the recipient of the world’s first partial face transplant. Of course, it won’t be long before people begin offering reasons to pervert the humane purpose of this medical procedure. And foremost amongst them, I suspect,… Read more.
Princess Masako is pregnant again and all of Japan prays for a boy!
****BREAKING NEWS: I screwed up…big time! Karen, one of my astute readers, has pointed out that it’s Princess Kiko and not Crown Princess (in continuing distress) Masako who is “preggers”. What can I say? I so wanted poor Masako to rise to the occasion that – even as I saw Kiko’s name in the Washington… Read more.
The Grammy Awards…
Ordinarily, I have as much interest in watching the Grammys as I do in watching the Oscars. (Click here and here to see what I mean about the Oscars.) Because, even though I love all kinds of music and movies, I cannot abide the indulgent celebrity worship that attends these award shows and which defines… Read more.
In the name of Allah: Stop the protests!
Unfortunately, last week’s protests over the publication of caricatures of the prophet Muhammad that took off with appropriate moral indignation have now been hijacked by political fanaticism that only reinforces caricatures of the great religion the Prophet founded. I do not presume to know what motivates so many Muslims to participate in the hateful and… Read more.
A national farewell to Coretta Scott King…
Last night, C-SPAN re-ran yesterday’s 6-hour national farewell to Coretta Scott King. And, although I’m sure every minute of it made for riveting television, professional homework made it impossible for me to watch more than a few segments. At any rate, I do not feel worthy to comment on the spiritual aspects of the service… Read more.
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf: A friend indeed who’s a friend in need…
Until he honoured Osama bin Laden by invoking his name during last week’s State of the Union Address, I thought President Bush’s initial disdain for his elusive nemesis had developed into appropriate disregard. Because, as far as the war against Islamic terrorists is concerned, America faces a far greater threat from the 1000 mini bin… Read more.