I really enjoy cinema. And I like the prospect of good films – like Crash – getting the recognition they deserve. But I think good box office receipts rather than an Oscar is the best indication of success in this respect. (Especially since winning an Oscar is more the result of crass political campaigning than… Read more.
Mrs Smith comes to Washington…
Most Americans were shocked to learn last Tuesday that former stripper, Playboy Playmate and freak-show star Anna Nicole Smith was doing business in Washington that was not only legal but might actually establish national legal precedent. Indeed, Anna made quite a show at the US Supreme Court where all eight male Justices sat erect as… Read more.
India’s nuclear proposition worked like a charm on President Bush…
Now India has a nuclear deal that guarantees its future status as a military and economic superpower…. India-US relations, nuclear power Read more.
Good (news) Friday: No sign of bird flu in The Bahamas!
Two days ago, when world-news reports gave the impression that flamingos in The Bahamas were dying like flies from a possible outbreak of bird flu, friends from way down under in Australia contacted me to express concern for my family living there. But in my Wednesday column (see below) addressing those reports, I pleaded for… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: South African wins best lawyer in the world award!
I suspect billions of people will watch the Oscars on Sunday to see who will win the best actor and actress awards for their movie roles this past year. And fair enough. Good luck to all nominees. But I hope you don’t mind this shameless attempt to bask in the reflected glow of the Oscars… Read more.
Bush’s nuclear embrace of India and terror two-step with Pakistan
As discredited, disrespected and disliked as he has become (at home and abroad), U.S. President George W. Bush remains the leader most coveted by governments around the world to pay a state visit to their countries. And, notwithstanding the anti-Bush rioting in the streets, no two governments are more solicitous of this Machiavellian honor than… Read more.
A few of our national birds have died….Bird flu alert? Calm down people…
“Anything is possible in nature. You have birds that fly around the world…. But let’s hope to God that that is not the case here in the Bahamas.” [Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Leslie Miller]Just in case you hear chicken-little reports about a bird flu epedemic in The Bahamas today, here’s the real story:… Read more.
Deaths of famous people come in threes…?
Okay, so maybe there’s something to this “deaths of famous people come in threes” superstition after all…. I don’t mean to be too funereal, but many of you accused me of coming across like a voodoo priest for even mentioning this phenomenon is my farewell tributes to Wendy Wasserstein, Coretta Scott King and Betty Friedan.… Read more.
Holy Blood, Holy Grail v. The Da Vinci Code
It’s bad enough that Dan Brown’s bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code (DaVinci) is possibly nothing more than a skillfully plagiarized version of Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln and Richard Leigh’s 1982 novel Holy Blood, Holy Grail (HBHG). But knowing that it’s equally possible that HBHG is itself nothing more than a skillfully woven tale of… Read more.
“[Another] Covenant with Black America”
“Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you,… Read more.