There’s March Madness… And then, there’s March madness! But since no one has ever accused me of not having my priorities straight, here are my picks for the Final Four and National Championship: Final Four: Duke v. Indiana & Illinois v. Ohio St Championship Game: Indiana v.Illinois National Champions: Illinois!!! (But please don’t bet the… Read more.
Alas, duty calls…
Dear Readers: Due to extraordinary professional obligations (i.e. to the legal practice that pays my mortgages), I will be unable to publish original articles for the remainder of this week. Although I hasten to admit how very fortunate I am that this is the first time my vocation has impinged on my avocation since I… Read more.
Darfur says thanks, America, but the genocide is done
Lately, I seem to be provoking a lot of criticism from avid readers. And where all of it is welcome, not all of it – I’m happy to report – is warranted. For example, a colleague rang me yesterday morning, still fulminating with moral outrage over an NBC news report she had just seen on… Read more.
Of Slobodan Milosevic, many have said: “I hope he rots in jail!” Well…
“Milosevic organised many many assassinations of people of my party, of people of my family… He ordered a few times assassination attempts against my life….What can I say? I can say it’s a pity he didn’t face justice in Belgrade.” [Vuk Draskovic, Foreign Minister of Serbia-Montenegro] I suspect that, like me, many of you have… Read more.
For women, South Dakota becomes the first Taliban state in America…
Neo-conservatives support President George W. Bush because they see in him a zealous crusader on a mission to democratize the world in America’s image. Whereas, traditional conservatives support Bush because they see in him a zealous crusader on a mission to Christianize the United States according to their fundamentalist “born-again” dogma. Therefore, it is a… Read more.
American hypocrisy: Dubai pulls out of ports deal…
The day the U.S. declared Arab investors unwelcome in America is a day that will go down in infamy…. I am convinced that the U.S. Constitution is the most visionary, equitable and effective social contract ever drafted by man. Yet, it is a curious thing that this document grants Congress the power to prevent the… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Smoking at lowest levels in over a half century!
Many people were shocked when Dana Reeve died of lung cancer at age 44 on Tuesday. And many of them cited the fact that she was a non-smoker as the reason for their consternation. Of course, Dana was the celebrated wife of actor Christopher Reeve who died just 15 months ago after years of struggling… Read more.
Regional powder kegs: Middle East v. Far East
“Provocative” Taiwanese enjoying the freedom to demonstrate their preference for democracy and independence; a freedom mainland Chinese have been persecuted, even killed, for attempting to exercise (eg. as they were at Tiananmen Square) Perhaps Taiwan and China were simply jealous that the world seemed obsessed with Iran and Iraq. But last week, they launched a… Read more.
Baseball’s MVP Barry Bonds is a steroids junkie…duh!
Like the recent Congressional Katrina Report that officially “documented” what everyone in America has known for almost six months, the March 13 issue of Sports Illustrated purports to officially “document” what every baseball fan has known for years: that Barry Bonds – reputedly the most “gifted” player in the history of the game – has… Read more.
Princess Diana: May she rest in peace…finally!
In this recent CNN article, I commented on the reasons why there was probably some merit after all to Mohammed al-Fayed’s seemingly delusional claims that Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were murdered. Alas, London’s Daily Mail reports that the man who gave credence to those claims, former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens, is due… Read more.