Yesterday, virtually every international news organization ran with stories heralding the arrest of indicted war criminal Ratko Mladic. This, after every newspaper in Serbia reported it as fact. Mind you, every reputable news editor in the world knows that unrepentant nationalists in the Serbian government trade in rumors about his arrest to curry favor with… Read more.
Political correctness gone mad in Austria and at Harvard!
“Yes, there were gas chambers. Millions of Jews died. There is no question. I don’t know the figures. I’m not an expert on the Holocaust.” This is the constrained admission of an acclaimed historian and author of 30 books who made a veritable fortune peddling revisionist nonsense about the Holocaust – including his infamous charge… Read more.
US ports now have Arab harbormasters….So what?
“On the war of ideas or the struggle for hearts and minds…American efforts have not only failed, they may also have achieved the opposite of what they intended….American direct intervention in the Muslim world has paradoxically elevated the stature of, and support for, radical Islamists, while diminishing support for the United States to single digits… Read more.
The Hurricane Katrina medals of dishonor go to…
“Katrina was a national failure, an abdication of the most solemn obligation to provide for the common welfare.” Last Wednesday, the U.S. Congress released its 520-page report, A Failure of Initiative, on the abysmal failures of the government’s Katrina relief effort. But the only people who seemed surprised by its water-over-the-levee findings were the finger-pointing… Read more.
Forget Dick Cheney! Does anyone remember Ken Lay and Enron?
As you probably gathered from Thursday’s column on the Cheney hunting accident, I don’t have much regard for media priorities when it comes to news coverage in America. For example, when was the last time any of you heard or read a report on the trial of Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling for allegedly perpetrating… Read more.
Saddam & Slobodan: A tale of two trials and the perfect execution of a dictator’s defense!
Earlier this week, Iraq’s American overseers expressed embarrassment – disguised as frustration – with the way even their newly-appointed, no-nonsense judge is allowing Saddam Hussein to make a mockery of his trial for crimes against humanity. And no one delights in their embarrassment more than Saddam himself. Indeed, he jumps at every opportunity to get… Read more.
Hunting VP Dick Cheney: Press outrage over hunting accident…
“I’m the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend….It was not Harry’s fault…You cannot blame anybody else.” [Avid outdoorsman VP Dick Cheney to Britt Hume of FOX News on shooting his hunting buddy last weekend…. Perhaps now he’ll do more fishing than shooting. ] Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney finally met the press… Read more.
One-Year Anniversary of The Ipinions Journal!
Today marks the one-year anniversary of this journal. And, I thought it appropriate to celebrate the occasion by thanking all of the readers who have supported it over the past year. Therefore, my heart-felt thanks to the thousands of people around the world who my webmaster informs me are daily readers! I launched this weblog… Read more.
What to make of last week’s elections in Haiti…
I must admit that I do not know who amongst the motley crew of 34 candidates in last week’s presidential elections offered the best leadership prospects for Haiti. But ever since it descended into virtual anarchy during the final days of the Aristide presidency in early 2004, I have felt that Haiti does not need… Read more.
Who says our Muslim brothers have no sense of humour…
Prophet Muhammad cartoons, Muslims protests Read more.