Despite gorging themselves on record profits, corporate CEOs are getting away with paying no taxes and robbing employee pensions to fund their $400 million retirement packages…. But on this customary tax day (15 April), it puts this most burdensome duty of US citizenship into perspective if one knows that many rich people believe that “Only… Read more.
Good ( ) Friday…
To all of my fellow Christians who backslid from the ritual of attending Good Friday Church Service many years ago, I suggest you watch Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ today and reflect, perhaps for the first time, upon the meaning of these words, which we recited ad nauseam in our youth: For God… Read more.
Talk About Independence in the Turks & Caicos Islands – Is Just That!
Talk about independence in TCI Dr. Michael Misick is the chief minister of my mother country, the Turks & Caicos Islands (TCI). He claims he invited members of the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization to the islands last week to participate in the public education process to inform citizens of their rights and of the options… Read more.
Time to put up or shut up about Iran’s nuclear program!
We do not want the Iranians to have a nuclear weapon, the capacity to make a nuclear weapon, or the knowledge about how to make a nuclear weapon….The international community must come together to make it very clear to Iran that we will not tolerate construction of a nuclear weapon. Iran would be dangerous if… Read more.
UPDATE: Dan Brown (DaVinci Code) may not be a plagiarist, but he is a reprobate fiction writer masquerading as a historian…
Claimants Michael Baigent (center) and Richard Leigh (right) versus defendant Dan Brown (left)In this previous article (dated 28 February 2006), I distilled the issues in dispute and predicted the outcome of the sensational plagiarism trial of the author of The Da Vinci Code (DaVinci), Dan Brown, as follows: First and foremost, I submit to you… Read more.
DNA results exculpate Duke lacrosse players in rape case….Now what?
Lawyers for Duke lacrosse players announce DNA results and call for case against them to be dismissed… It was probably drowned out by our immigration rallies (did you see me?), but lawyers representing the Duke University lacrosse players accused of gang raping an exotic dancer made the undeniably stunning announcement yesterday that DNA results exculpate… Read more.
Today I march in support of immigrant rights! But…
Just as blacks marched in the 1960s for civil rights, Hispanics are marching today for immigrant rights. And, just as many non-blacks marched back then in support of black civil rights, today I march in support of Hispanic immigrant rights. But, just as a few blacks risked undermining the political influence and moral authority of… Read more.
McKinney finally apologized. But, alas, it was too little too late…
In this article on Wednesday, I dismissed Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney as an unabashed scoundrel for pleading racism to excuse her boorish behavior. And, I lambasted the Congressional Black Caucus and other black leaders for either tacitly or actively supporting her self-indulgent and ill-fated campaign to turn her assault on a Capitol Hill police officer into… Read more.
America’s big immigration story? Katie’s moving to CBS…
Katie Couric, NBC and CBS Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Harry Potter author puts a hex on our “skinny-obsessed world”
Over six months ago, I wrote this article in which I ridiculed the notion of idolizing so-called supermodels like Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell. I did so because I’m reliably informed that almost all of these women have mush for brains and rely on a diet of cigarettes and coke (liquid, powder and rock) to… Read more.