Five years ago, there were 4000 white-owned farms in Zimbabwe; today, there are only 400 (mostly unproductive) farms left. Five years ago, Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of sub-Saharan Africa; today, it is a basket case of starving people. The vast majority of the seized farms went to President Mugabe’s loyal cronies in government who used… Read more.
Earth to news broadcasters: Osama bin Laden’s a big joke!
[NOTE: Dear Readers: I posted this article at 5:47 this morning. But, due to techinical difficulties with the publishing platform, it was uploaded only moments ago (1:55 pm). I apologise for the delay and beg your patience with me through these frustrating episodes. I’m negotiating a transition to a more reliable platform with my webmaster… Read more.
Hu advises Bush that more spying, not less, will help the U.S. economy grow like China’s…
China’s exploitation of hundreds of millions of poor Chinese for cheap labor fueled its phenomenal rise to economic superpower status. What’s more, many American corporations conspired and colluded with the Chinese government not only to exploit that cheap labor but also to deny Chinese citizens all manner of basic freedoms. Indeed, Chinese President Hu Jintao… Read more.
U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld? Hell no, he won’t go!
This week, the chorus of disgruntled (retired) generals calling for U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to join them in their idle-minded sinecure reached such a discordant crescendo that even the normally tone-deaf Rumsfeld took heed. And, in an unprecedented display of contrition and humanity, he stood before the members of the Pentagon press corps… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth
We lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the right time and the manner of yielding what is impossible to stop. [HM Elizabeth II] This will seem almost traitorous to many of my fellow Caribbean natives, but I am not a monarchist. In fact, nothing offends my sense of nationalism more… Read more.
The indictment of Barry Bonds would be an error for Baseball…
Nothing defines the American character quite like sports. And no sport is more central to that character than Baseball. Indeed, it seems entirely fitting that it was Baseball (and not schools, churches or places of public accommodation) that led the desegregation of American society. And, it probably surprises no one that blacks have dominated this… Read more.
Facing the eternal terror of suicide bombers…
It had been so long, relatively speaking, since a Palestinian suicide bomber struck in the heart of Israel that many people were genuinely shocked by Monday’s attack, which killed 9 and wounded 60. And, that it happened in the very same Tel Aviv sandwich shop where the most recent attack occurred on 19 January only… Read more.
Chinese President Hu comes to Washington (Seattle that is…)
Today, President Hu Jintao begins his first state visit to the United States as China’s head of state. However, it reflects not only America’s waning political influence but also China’s rising economic status that Hu’s welcome dinner will be hosted, not at the White House in Washington, DC by the world’s (erstwhile) most powerful man,… Read more.
Happy Easter…
And, hey buddy, I hope you don’t mind little Jane rolling her eggs with kids who have two Mommies and two Daddies. Easter egg roll, gay and lesbian parents Read more.
The most famous last words of the 21st Century?
Iran vs America, nuclear weapons Read more.