Today I resign as a member of parliament….I will leave the Netherlands, saddened but also relieved. I will pack my bags. I will go on. [former Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Tuesday] Anyone who thinks that Europeans have not cowered in the face of intimidation by Islamic extremists needs only consider the unfortunate fate… Read more.
President Bush on comprehensive immigration reform: hate the messenger; don’t hate the message!
Last night, in perhaps the most anti-climactic speech of his presidency, George W. Bush announced his comprehensive plan to seal the U.S./Mexico border and make honest residents of the millions of illegal (Mexican) immigrants now scattered all over the United States. But even the austere setting of the Oval office, which is normally reserved for… Read more.
Update: Combating payola in the music industry…
Last July, I wrote this commentary on the sensational revelation that big-time payola, not Tommy Mottola (head mogul at Sony), was behind the music success of lip-syncing performers from J.Lo to Jessica Simpson. And, even though pittance compared to how much it profited from this scheme, I thought the $10m fine NY Attorney General Spitzer… Read more.
Happy Mother’s Day!
…And please tell her everyday, several times-a-day, how much you love, appreciate and cherish her! Cliché? Perhaps. But take it from those of us who have lost our mothers, you’ll be glad you did. NOTE: Remember a few kind words for the mother-in-law too…. Happy Mother’s Day Read more.
Bush taps spymaster to head CIA…duh!
CIA General Hayden Read more.
Good (news) Friday: “U.S. Immigration Bill All But Assured”
Last month, I marched in solidarity with my Hispanic brothers and sisters to urge the U.S. Congress to enact immigration legislation, which includes: “…a guest-worker plan, path to citizenship and border security (amongst other measures) that would guarantee proper assimilation of these and future immigrants.” But the rabid and politically-motivated rhetoric this issue inspired in… Read more.
France inaugurates annual slavery memorial day
Every night – for over a fortnight – last November, youths from marginalized Muslim and black communities emulated 1960s black Americans by setting cars and buildings ablaze all over France to unleash pent-up frustrations with the country’s entrenched and pervasive practice of institutionalized and social racism. And even though many of us would have preferred… Read more.
The UN (continues to) dither and debate as Africans die by the thousands…everyday!
Last week, I wrote this article (for a different publication) lamenting the fecklessness of the United Nations as a peacekeeping and humanitarian organization – especially where conflicts and crises in Africa are concerned. And I concluded with this admonition: …as our brothers and sisters in Haiti and Darfur know all too well: if your country… Read more.
Jacob Zuma, former South African Deputy President, gets off on rape…
Just over a month ago, I posted this article detailing some of the graphic and damningly-probative testimony by the HIV-positive woman who claimed that Jacob Zuma – her dead father’s best friend and the man she regarded as her adopted father – had raped her. In his defense, however, Zuma took the stand and testified… Read more.
David Blaine: master of illusion or huckster of delusion?
It has become fashionable for people to dismiss David Blaine as a publicity-seeking huckster with delusions of magical grandeur; instead of the death-defying illusionist he fancies himself to be. And, it certainly did not help his credibility when he failed last night to break the “static apnea” (holding one’s breath underwater) record of 8 minutes,… Read more.