The grand destroyer of the world, and the greatest threat … is represented by U.S. imperialism. [Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez] With the stunning election of avowed socialists as heads of state in several Latin American countries last year, it seemed U.S. President George W. Bush’s crusade to foment democratic revolutions throughout Eastern Europe and the… Read more.
Happy Whit Monday!
Despite the abhorrent nature of colonialism, the British introduced a few traditions that are still heartily observed throughout their former colonies in the Caribbean. And public holidays certainly fall within this cherished tradition. Curiously, unlike Americans, the British evidently saw no need to glorify their holidays with patriotic or reverential titles like President’s Day, Memorial… Read more.
Beware Mother Nature’s wicked sense of humor…
Hurricane Season begins Read more.
He’s baaack: Environmental Cassandra II starring Al Gore…
Just when we thought the political environment was safe from Al Gore’s hot air about global warming, he has returned like Montezuma’s revenge complete with even more noxious fulminations – now memorialized on celluloid. That’s right kids, Gore has one-upped his perennial nemeses, Bill & Hillary Clinton, by getting his Hollywood friends to make a… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Lance Armstrong vindicated!
Lance Armstrong lost many fans a couple years ago when he dumped his wife Kristin, with whom he has three children, for rock star Sheryl Crow. Apparently, these cycling fans sympathized with Kristin who nursed him through radiation treatment for testicular cancer and stood by his side when many thought his cycling career was over.… Read more.
Holy smokes, Batwoman! You’re a lesbian?…Cool!
I suppose one has to be of a certain age for this coming-out-of-the-closet marvel to have any meaning. But, for those of us who qualify, the news that Batwoman will be featured as an active lesbian in a forthcoming series of comic books is very titillating indeed. However, where many are heralding this news as… Read more.
In Cold Blood: American war crimes in Iraq…being prosecuted in America?
If he’s a bad guy, if he’s running the (car bomb) factory, I’ll put the gun in his mouth and kill him myself … but first let’s get a fucking security check….There’s killing bad guys and there’s murdering civilians. Let’s do the first and not the second. Murderers we’re not, OK? [Marine Maj. Nicholas Visconti… Read more.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in Namibia Controlling Immigration
Celebrities enjoy a contrived relationship with the paparazzi. The relationship Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt orchestrate with the paparazzi illustrates this in spades. Jolie and Pitt as immigration officers But imagine a world so obsessed with and deferential to celebrities that they can get governments to do this: Jolie and Pitt pressured Namibian authorities … to hand over… Read more.
Here’s why it’s such a farce to call this holiday "Memorial Day":
It has become a cherished tradition for most Americans to honor the memory of dead presidents by going to shopping malls and the memory of fallen soldiers by going to the beach…. But, for the few who care, Happy Memorial Day! Memorial Day Read more.
Democracy rules! (in Africa of all places…)
What Nigerians demand from Mr President is the courage and humility to apologise for making us go through this harrowing experience by embarking on the risky project called tenure elongation that led the country to the brink of disintegration. [Nigerian Opposition Party] Though virtually unreported in America, Nigerians took a bold step for democracy on… Read more.