Yesterday, after 7 days of deliberation, the jury in the case of the only al-Qaeda terrorist to be tried for the 9/11 attacks on America returned a sentence of life in prison, instead of the death sentence prosecutors sought and most Americans evidently expected. But, even though controversial and conflicted, this decision not only vindicates… Read more.
Teacher Pamela Rogers Having Sex with Her Student, 13 – Just Like Mary Kay Letourneau
Schoolteacher Mary Kay Letourneau had an affair with her 12-year-old student. It made her infamous, especially when she divorced her husband to marry the schoolboy. Pamela Rogers is emulating Letourneau. She’s having an affair with her 13-year-old student. Even prison couldn’t keep Letourneau away. She continued contributing to the delinquency of her minor. Remarkably, this… Read more.
Save Darfur Rally: Full of sound and fury signifying nothing!
Given yesterday’s article on the Hispanic boycott of America and today’s article (and many previous ones) on Darfur, I feel obliged to disabuse readers of this weblog of any impression that I’m a bleeding-heart-liberal do-gooder. Because, truth be told, I do not understand how anyone who lives and works in Washington, DC (and has a… Read more.
Latinos boycott America! Esta bien! – Latinos record U.S. Anthem in Spanish? Es loco, stupido y contraproductivo!
They may not command the moral authority or the support blacks had for their pivotal Montgomery Bus Boycott during the Civil Rights Movement. Nevertheless, the moral imperative which compels Latinos to show America what a “day without [illegal] immigrants” would be like is no less valid. Therefore, I shall join today’s boycott in solidarity with… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Even if I do say so myself…
UPDATE (Sunday 7:20 pm): Dear Readers Thank you for your kind wishes in comments here and via email. I’m extremely flattered and encouraged by your support. I hope you find my book as interesting and entertaining as any book on international current events can be. Happy reading! Anthony In late-February, one of my more visionary… Read more.
Kevin Costner Exposed as a Sexual Pervert
The entertainment industry has been buzzing with speculation for 18 months. But nobody thought Kevin Costner would be exposed as the sexual pervert accused of: performing a sex act while having a massage at a prestigious hotel in Scotland. He discarded his towel and began spanking the monkey (jerking-off, whacking-off, choking the chicken, oh alright… Read more.
Judgment day for Basdeo Panday!
In this previous article (dated 2 February 2006), I cautioned fellow Caribbean natives against expressing too much moral indignation over the political and financial scandals plaguing America (personified by people like former Congressman Tom DeLay and former Enron Chairman Ken Lay). And I justified my caution by pointing out that: …no fewer than eight of… Read more.
After seizing the land (i.e., biting the hand) of white farmers who fed Zimbabwe, Mugabe seeks their helping hand…
Five years ago, there were 4000 white-owned farms in Zimbabwe; today, there are only 400 (mostly unproductive) farms left. Five years ago, Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of sub-Saharan Africa; today, it is a basket case of starving people. The vast majority of the seized farms went to President Mugabe’s loyal cronies in government who used… Read more.
Earth to news broadcasters: Osama bin Laden’s a big joke!
[NOTE: Dear Readers: I posted this article at 5:47 this morning. But, due to techinical difficulties with the publishing platform, it was uploaded only moments ago (1:55 pm). I apologise for the delay and beg your patience with me through these frustrating episodes. I’m negotiating a transition to a more reliable platform with my webmaster… Read more.
Hu advises Bush that more spying, not less, will help the U.S. economy grow like China’s…
China’s exploitation of hundreds of millions of poor Chinese for cheap labor fueled its phenomenal rise to economic superpower status. What’s more, many American corporations conspired and colluded with the Chinese government not only to exploit that cheap labor but also to deny Chinese citizens all manner of basic freedoms. Indeed, Chinese President Hu Jintao… Read more.