Celebrities enjoy a contrived relationship with the paparazzi. The relationship Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt orchestrate with the paparazzi illustrates this in spades. Jolie and Pitt as immigration officers But imagine a world so obsessed with and deferential to celebrities that they can get governments to do this: Jolie and Pitt pressured Namibian authorities … to hand over… Read more.
Here’s why it’s such a farce to call this holiday "Memorial Day":
It has become a cherished tradition for most Americans to honor the memory of dead presidents by going to shopping malls and the memory of fallen soldiers by going to the beach…. But, for the few who care, Happy Memorial Day! Memorial Day Read more.
Democracy rules! (in Africa of all places…)
What Nigerians demand from Mr President is the courage and humility to apologise for making us go through this harrowing experience by embarking on the risky project called tenure elongation that led the country to the brink of disintegration. [Nigerian Opposition Party] Though virtually unreported in America, Nigerians took a bold step for democracy on… Read more.
Bush and Blair meet the press – jointly – for the last time…
…And then there were two – left barely standing – in the Coalition of the Willing to invade Iraq. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair held talks on Thursday at the White House. Here are the main points of their joint news conference courtesy of Forbes. MISTAKES IN IRAQ — Bush… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Enron’s "masters of the universe’ found GUILTY as sin!
The jury’s verdicts help to close a notorious chapter in the history of America’s publicly traded companies…Appeals aside, the end of the trial will mark the end of a dark era. [Rep. Michael Oxley (R-Ohio), co-author of the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, which was enacted in the wake of Enron’s collapse to make company executives more accountable.]… Read more.
American Idol: exploiting mediocre talent in search of a diamond in the rough…Okay
American Idol’s presiding arbiters of mediocre talent: Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul To date, my interest in American Idol has been limited to the entertaining antics of Judge Paula Abdul, which have included her Svengali-like use and abuse of a contestant as her Boytoy and her seemingly drug-induced ramblings that have been constant… Read more.
Rep. William Jefferson: The Congressman, $100,000 and his freezer…
There are two sides to every story…. This is how the hopelessly compromised Congressman William Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana, pleaded on Monday in a vain and vanquished attempt to keep the probing media at bay and reassure his constituents that he’s not a crook. But what makes this plea especially feeble is the fact that… Read more.
Sir Ronald Sanders on regional media and the Caribbean Single Market…
Dear Readers Many of you will have gathered from my articles that I am an ardent advocate for the integrated economic development of the Caribbean. However, notwithstanding my passionate advocacy, earnest pleadings and unsolicited advice, I’m acutely aware that I have relatively little influence on regional leaders who have been entrusted with the stewardship of… Read more.
Cheers, jeers and yawns greeted Bond’s 714th home run…and deservedly so!
Because he finally slammed his 714th home run on Saturday, Barry Bonds deserved to be greeted with cheers; Because everyone now believes that steroids gave him the power to slam most of those home runs, he deserved to be greeted with jeers; and Because his 714th home run was only good enough to tie the… Read more.
Hey Paul…will they still love you when you’re 64? No, no, no…
When Sir Paul McCartney announced the end of his “May-December” marriage to Heather Mills on Wednesday, it was greeted more with glee than sadness. Because, quite frankly, his fashion-designer daughter Stella pleaded with him to live by his own words that “[money] Can’t Buy Me love”. And, moreover, everyone felt that “[He] Should Have Known… Read more.