Last December, western architects – who thought the invasion of Iraq would lay the foundation for democracy throughout the Middle East – rejoiced when over 11 million Iraqis risked life and limb to vote for a new government. But those of us who closely inspected the building plans for their democracy crusade knew well that… Read more.
The "new normal" in flying: So, who do you think is winning the war on terror?
airline terror plot Read more.
Good news Friday: Phew, that was close! I think…
Actually, that title pretty much sums up my commentary on yesterday’s foiled terror plot. Because the good news is that British intelligence allegedly prevented presumed al Qaeda terrorists from blowing up 10 U.S. airplanes filled with passengers on a transatlantic flight from London to the United States. But talk about “shock and awe”: Given all… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Hail Premier Misick!
My mother country, the Turks and Caicos Islands, remains one of the few “Overseas Territories” of the United Kingdom. But, as regular readers of this weblog know, for years now, I’ve been zealously advocating for us to sever this Lilliputian relationship. Yet, it was not until Dr Michael Misick (PNP) was elected “Chief Minister” 3… Read more.
Communists triumph over Democrats augers well for Ukraine’s birthing democracy…
After the most recent article on my favorite “ex-communists”, the Ukrainians, a number of you emailed to ask: why them, and not the Lithuanians, Georgians or nationals of any number of other countries that comprised the former Soviet Union? And, as much I would have liked to cite some historical or geo-strategic reason, I was… Read more.
Sen. Joe Lieberman tarred and feathered by narrow-minded liberal Democrats…
…We liberals couldn’t possibly be so intolerant and hateful, because our ideology was famous for ACLU-type commitments to free speech, dissent and, especially, tolerance for those who differed with us….Now, in the closing days of the Lieberman primary campaign, I have reluctantly concluded that I was wrong. The far right does not have a monopoly… Read more.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! My final word on global warming!
Last week, the news was saturated with simmering reports about the heat wave that had most North Americans suffering through Death-Valley summer temperatures. Therefore, I cannot blame 60 Minutes, the most popular TV news program in the United States, for capping those reports on Sunday evening with an opportunistic re-broadcast of its Chicken-Little piece on… Read more.
Forget the exiles! Castro’s handing over his 47-year dictatorship to his brother is indictment enough…
Fidel Castro Read more.
Israel vs. Hezbollah: hardly good fighting evil…
When this war began several weeks ago, I criticized Hezbollah for deliberately igniting it by ambushing and kidnapping Israeli soldiers in the North when Israel was already on an anxious military alert over the kidnapping of one of their soldiers in the South by Hamas militants. But when it retaliated with a blitzkrieg through Southern… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Prince Albert’s getting married…no more babies out of wedlock!
Regular readers of this weblog know that I’ve been unsparing in my criticism of Prince Albert II of Monaco, 48, for not only living an egregiously promiscuous lifestyle but also fathering children (2 that we know of) out of wedlock. But he incited my most indignant ire after he renounced the birthright of his black… Read more.