Given international media obsession with the World Cup and American media preoccupation with Ann Coulter and Angelina Jolie, chances are that many of you heard little – and read even less – about President George W. Bush’s pivotal performance at a European summit last week. Yet he traveled to Austria and assembled a bona fide… Read more.
Wonder why the U.S. was kicked out of the World Cup in the first round?
Last Thursday, with its humiliating loss to Third-World Ghana in Nuremberg, Germany, great expectations that the U.S. would accomplish its mission of winning this year’s Word Cup were summarily dashed. Alas, its mission in Iraq is not the only victory America’s superpower is unable to guarantee…. NOTE: Although I harbored no great expectations, they were… Read more.
Denouement: Ann Coulter vs 9/11 widows…
Alas, last week when all of America was expressing shock, shock at Ann Coulter’s ice-cold diss of some 9/11 widows, I was confined to bed and under doctor’s orders to keep my poison pen dry. Although, it might shock many of you to know that I would not have wasted any ink hurling vitriol at… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: My little sister is now a Doctor!!!
Last weekend, I hobbled out of my sick bed to join my siblings at the graduation ceremony of our sister Maureen at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. And, such was our pride and jubilation that – when her name was called to receive her medical degree – our uproarious standing ovation sent… Read more.
Fatuous anti-whaling argument: Free Willie or we’ll destroy your economy…
Republished from Caribbean Net News! The Caribbean countries that helped Japan win a narrow victory at the International Whaling Commission could face a backlash from environmentally concerned tourists….People come to this region to see nature at its best….Individuals for whom whaling is abhorrent will think twice about going to a destination where their values are… Read more.
Miami wins NBA Championship! But that’s only half the story…
On Tuesday night, the Miami Heat beat the Dallas Mavericks and became only the third team in NBA Finals history to come back from a 0-2 deficit to win a 7-game series 4-2. But, given the competitive nature of each game and the attendant controversies this incited, this Heat comeback was arguably the most exciting… Read more.
Dan Rather: Pushed off the anchor chair and now kicked out the door…
Dan Rather – as he appeared in the fall of 2004 – reporting the bogus story about President Bush’s military service that sealed his professional fate…On 9 March 2005, I published this homage to Dan Rather’s ignominious comeuppance after his colleagues and bosses at CBS finally did to him what he had done to Walter… Read more.
The Hague takes Charles Taylor and gives Africa a much needed reprieve…
He is accused of funding Sierra Leone’s former rebels, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) by selling diamonds on their behalf and buying weapons for them….The RUF were notorious for mutilating civilians, by hacking off their arms or legs with machetes. [BBC News Africa] Yesterday, pursuant to an enlightened UN resolution drafted by Britain, former Liberian… Read more.
Professional epiphany: I have returned my flower, a changed bee…
Charlie Rose is my favorite TV interviewer. He appeared on Larry King Live last night to share details about the health crisis that kept him confined to a hospital bed for four weeks (and then to his home for an additional five). However, a week ago today, as I was confined to my own sick-bed,… Read more.
Today Iran debuts at the World Cup…without its national leader Ahmadinejad!
Because of political rivalries amongst national governments that surpass sports rivalries amongst national teams, Germany caved to pressure from fellow EU member states and denied Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a visa to attend the World Cup. (Ahmadinejad has been declared persona non grata for, inter alia, vowing that Israel should be wiped off the map… Read more.