On Thursday, Iran met the UN’s deadline to halt its nuclear program by reiterating that no country (the U.S.) or international organization (the UN) has the right or nerve to stop it from completing its nuclear mission. And, alas, their defiance in this respect is not only reasonable but also quite sustainable.After all, for many… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: A bona fide celebrity who despises celebrity…
In this celebrity-obsessed world, where people will go to incomprehensible lengths to claim their 15 minutes of fame (think John Mark Karr), I always find it refreshing to read about people who are entitled to be celebrated but shun the acclaim. Unfortunately, grasping at celebrity has reached such cognitive dissonance (effectively creating a new ethical… Read more.
Who outed Valerie Plame? Washington’s best-kept secret revealed….
In the 19 months since I launched this weblog, I have deferred only once to commentary by another columnist on the news of the day: That commentary was on one critical aspect of the Caribbean Single Market Economy (CSME) initiative, and it was written by my friend and colleague Sir Ronald Sanders (here). Well, today… Read more.
The fat lady is singing for Mexico’s Lopez Obrador…
Finally, Mexico’s president-elect is the unflappable conservative Felipe Calderón… After he lost in a dead heat to George W. Bush in the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Al Gore demanded and got a partial recount of votes that he thought would change the final results. But it did not. And after U.S. Courts affirmed Bush as… Read more.
Stalking Ernesto and flogging Katrina one year later…
Despite the hype, a weakening Hurricane Ernesto may not have much of an impact on the U.S. after all. Although one would not know that listening to the foreboding utterances of weather forecasters and news anchors as they do their best to manufacture ratings-generating fear about Ernesto’s allusive wrath… Therefore, in this spirit and given… Read more.
FOX News journalists released: The politics and business of kidnapping in Palestine….
Yesterday, Palestinian kidnappers demonstrated once again that, unlike their bloodthirsty Muslim brothers in Iraq, they are no crazed Islamic jihadists who’d rather chop off the heads of their captives than release them for ransom. Perhaps you recall how Osama bin Laden’s No.2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, notoriously reprimanded al Qaeda’s leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (assassinated),… Read more.
Damn! Can’t a brother get a break?
Or does OJ have to die as well before some nut confesses to his crimes…? NOTE: Don’t give up OJ….Keep looking for that pathetic SOB who killed your ex-wife and her boy toy. Incidentally, why do you suppose that – ever since those murders – you’ve been cutting yourself so much everytime you shave? OJ… Read more.
Target Pluto? Man’s arrogance knows no bounds…
But here’s how I think Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would put this folly into perspective: I just want to wipe a little country [Israel] off the map. You westerners are trying to wipe a whole planet [Pluto] off the solar system. And you call me crazy?! Pluto Read more.
Good (news) Friday: My big brother is now a Bishop!
…If a man seeks the office of [ bishop], he desires a good work. The bishop therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, modest, hospitable, good at teaching; not a drinker, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous… Servants, in the same way, must be… Read more.
Kola Boof, Osama Bin Laden’s Black Mistress
Kola Boof: lost girl speaks out Kola Boof is promoting her autobiography, Diary of a Lost Girl, all over TV. This Egyptian-Sudanese-American is an award-winning novelist, poet, and activist. But, unsurprisingly, her relationship with Osama Bin Laden is all anyone wants to talk about. Kola writes about it in dramatic and thrilling detail. Reading it, you might think her… Read more.