Given all of the problems Americans had exercising their right to vote in the past two presidential elections, one would have thought Congress would be debating ways to make voting more accessible and impervious to fraud, not more restrictive and subject to new-age Jim Crowism. But the latter is exactly what Southern Republicans attempted to… Read more.
Pardon me, Sir, but how much did you pay for your knighthood?
I have written a number of articles delineating my moral, political and social disdain for royalty and all of its fairy-tale appurtenances. I have never been shy about expressing unqualified schadenfreude every time scandal exposed its inherent fallacies and forced monarchists to reconcile the institutionalized affront royal families pose to the universal truth that all… Read more.
“Act of War” in the Middle East is a self-fulfilling (or fulfilling of) prophecy…
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared that yesterday’s incursion across Israel’s Northern border by Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists – who killed 3 Israeli soldiers and kidnapped 2 more – was an act of war. He then ordered his air force and army to retaliate with a “painful and far-reaching response” that has Israeli warplanes and tanks now… Read more.
First Shiloh, now Suri: Enough with these celebrity babies already!
I feel obliged to preface today’s whinging by declaring that I’m not one of those cultural snobs who look down their noses at people who enjoy a little celebrity gossip. And, my previous articles on Lil’ Kim, Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner will attest to this fact. That said; here goes: The look of a… Read more.
Mexico election: Calderón win equals win for Bush, loss for Chavez…
A week ago today, after all votes were officially counted, Mexico’s Federal Election Institute declared Felipe Calderón, 44, of the National Action Party (PAN) the winner – by a razor-thin margin of 243,000 votes out of 41 million or 0.57% – over Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 52, of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), with Roberto… Read more.
2006 World Cup Champions: Italy, Italy, Italy! (Ah right, Wimbledon happened too…)
As I readily conceded in this article, I had no great expectations that my sentimental pick, Trinidad and Tobago, would advance very far in this year’s World Cup. Therefore, their failure to make it out of the first round did not disappoint me too much. But my heart was soon broken when my serious pick… Read more.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap: Ken Lay greeted like a CEO at the Pearly Gates
Ken Lay Read more.
Superman Returns: But he’s not what he used to be…
Superman Returns Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Vindication for Ayaan Hirsi Ali…and me!
Former Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali no longer lives in the Netherlands – having been constructively exiled after the country’s immigration minister, Rita Verdonk, revoked her citizenship. Yet, so much political controversy attended her exile that the national row and (soul searching) she left behind finally caused the Dutch government to fall last week. Regular… Read more.
Ken Lay’s premature sentence: Heart attack!
Ken Lay died yesterday and I’m obliged to comment. But since my Mummy told me many years ago to never speak ill of the dead, I shall avoid being disrespectful by being brief. In this previous article, I wrote about Lay’s criminal trial for the labyrinthine fraud he lorded over at Enron. In fact, by… Read more.