On Wednesday, I received an email from an old friend which bore all of the hallmarks of one of those infamous chain emails that become urban legend. In this case, my friend – an unqualified supporter of the U.S. military – wanted me to help spread the word about an incredible act of spontaneous generosity… Read more.
Good riddance! Whitney Houston sobers up and divorces Bobby Brown…
I have always been stupefied by people who compound a bad decision to marry by refusing to divorce. Therefore, I was heartened by yesterday’s announcement that Whitney Houston has finally decided to divorce her self-described bad-boy husband Bobby Brown. Let me hasten to clarify, however, that I am not one who holds Whitney blameless for… Read more.
Good riddance! Anorexic models no longer reign in Spain…
This week, the madams of fashion in New York are flaunting their obsession with anorexic girls at their annual bacchanal. By instructive contrast, the matrons of fashion in Madrid are refusing to allow such sickly-looking mannequins to strut their dry bones at theirs, which begins on Monday. For years, I’ve been in the vanguard of… Read more.
Documenting Haiti in the "Ghosts of Cité Soleil"
After reading yesterday’s commentary on the film Death of a President, a few of my Canadian friends emailed to recommend what they consider to be a film far more worthy of my attention. The film, Ghosts of Cité Soleil, documents life in Haiti during the last days of the beleaguered presidency of Jean Betrand Aristide,… Read more.
“Death of a President” and “Path to 9|11”: Fuss over a tale of two movies that is much ado about nothing…
Last weekend, two made-for-TV movies had partisan political pundits frothing at the mouth: The first, Death of a President, was screened at the Toronto Film Festival on Sunday at about the same time as the second, The Path to 9/11, was airing on TV in the United States. In both cases, however, I think all… Read more.
Last week, bin Laden released his 9|11 terror tape in a preemptive (PR) strike against Bush’s 9|11 war-on-terror speech…
…And then had the nerve to call Bush to gloat about it! NOTE: Click here to see bin Laden on this insolent tape instructing and exhorting the 9/11 hijackers to execute their terror in the name of Allah. You can see President Bush on TV delivering his war-on-terror speech – for the 1000th time –… Read more.
Crikey! Stingray kills croc hunter Steve Irwin. RIP mate…
BBC Obit… Steve Irwin Read more.
Good (news) Friday? To Japan a (male) heir is born…
With all of the fanfare in the west this week over the long-awaited sightings of Tom Cruise’s baby girl, chances are that many of you missed the good news of the historic birth on Wednesday of Japanese Princess Kiko’s baby boy. Any Japanese patriot will tell you, however, that our obsession with celebrity babies pales… Read more.
Bolivia’s woes expose Chavez’s socialist counter-revolution as little more than a one-man three-ring circus…
Intensifying labor strife, political infighting and budgetary pressures are threatening to chip away at the domestic support of Bolivian President Evo Morales, who took office in January promising to nationalize the natural gas industry and to achieve social equality for the country’s indigenous majority. [Aug. 31 The Washington Post on Morales’s inability to fund his… Read more.
Update on my favorite corporate crook – Conrad Black
The crooks code of ethics holds that there’s no honor among thieves. But it says nothing about thieves coveting royal titles. Therefore, former Hollinger CEO Conrad Black can be forgiven for feeling as entitled to a royal title as he was to his corporate loot. (Never mind that this merely earned him the unwitting moniker… Read more.