North Korean President Kim Jong-Il is a temperamental and insecure man. Only this explains his habit of making nuclear threats from time to time. Whenever he does, he commands the international attention he craves so pathologically and extorts the aid his people need so desperately… This explains why he’s s jealous of the way the international… Read more.
Delusions on matters of race are coming home to roost in Canada…
Almost a year ago, riots by disaffected and unassimilated black and Muslim youths in France disabused many Europeans of the rosy scenario they harbored about racism in Europe. And, not surprisingly, many white Americans expressed unbridled schadenfreude that these Europeans – who routinely criticized the epidemic of racism in America – were now being singed… Read more.
Sanctimonious Republican Congressman, Mark Foley, caught in his own intern (gay) sex scandal…
…anyone who is even contemplating a sexual assault against a child, understand that your life will be ruined. [Rep. Mark Foley announcing the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 just months ago] In a desperate attempt to compete with the trash cable news channels put out 24/7, news divisions at the major… Read more.
Truth and consequences of personal vices and public virtues…
Bill Clinton, George W Bush Read more.
BREAKING NEWS: Woodward’s new book "State of Denial" is in its own state of denial…
Given the “EXTRA! EXTRA!” coverage the American media have devoted to the launch of Bob Woodward’s pre-ordained bestseller State of Denial, one could be forgiven the impression that his book contains devastating new revelations about President George W. Bush’s intentional misrepresentations concerning the state of affairs in Iraq. For example, the tease for Woodward’s promotional… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: God’s intelligent design for humankind originated with black Selam…
Anthropologists have unveiled yet more evidence that white (in fact all non-black) people are just pea-brained blacks who continually left the confines of their African tribes – beginning around 4 millions years ago – for hunting and gathering outings, got lost and ended up on the other continents of the world. But, once there, the… Read more.
TIME OUT: If T.O. wanted to kill himself, T.O. would’ve killed himself!
I do not believe Terrell Owens (T.O.) was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday because he was dying from depression. Instead, I suspect he was rushed there because he was dying for attention. After all, with T.O., it’s all about getting attention: if not on the field, then by any means necessary…. Remember folks, this… Read more.
Day of reckoning for the corporate crooks of Enron and WorldCom…
Yesterday, those of us who revel in the comeuppance of corporate crooks were treated to an unusual bit of judicial symmetry. Because, at virtually the same bewitching hour, Andrew Fastow, the wunderkind who masterminded the historic collapse of Enron, and Bernard Ebbers, the godfather who lorded over WorldCom’s fraudulent enterprise were both hauled off to… Read more.
President Clinton’s FOX News Sunday temper tantrum…
After fielding so many stupefied enquiries about Bill Clinton’s FOX News Sunday interview, I felt obliged to view it last night for my blogging edification. And, frankly, my first impression was, why all the fuss?! After all, even before ABC’s Path to 9/11 “hit piece” on his war-on-terror record, Clinton and his political operatives were… Read more.
The crucifixion and resurrection of South Africa’s Jacob Zuma…
Until last summer, Jacob Zuma (right) was the unchallenged heir apparent to South African President Thabo Mbeki (left). After all, as deputy president, Zuma’s rock-star appeal amongst the (predominantly poor and uneducated) South African electorate made Mbeki seem like an interloper and even rivaled the appeal Bill Clinton enjoyed as U.S. president. (For the record,… Read more.