Courtesy Jim Day ’06, The Las Vegas Review Journal News and Politics Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Turkish novelist, Orhan Pamuk, wins Nobel Prize in Literature!
I know, I know, who cares, right?! After all, more often than not, the winner of this prize is an author who few people have ever heard of and whose books even fewer people have ever read. But consider this folks: Many authors have won the Nobel Prize for stirring the conscience of their nation… Read more.
Plane crash sends New York (and all of America) into 9/11 panic mode…
At around 3 PM yesterday, news outlets all over America ceased idle reporting on international reaction to Kim Jong IL’s (alleged) nuclear weapons test, the fallout from the Mark Foley (Congressional-Page) sex scandal and even on the breaking news of Madonna following the new celebrity fashion of adopting African babies the way others adopt exotic… Read more.
The New York Yankees: The worst Baseball team money could buy!
Admittedly, I’m not a big Baseball fan. In fact, I pay no attention to the sport until after Labor Day when Division Championships begin in earnest. And even then, I find highlights on ESPN SportCenter enough to satisfy my interest. But the New York Yankees transcend sport to such a degree that they make news… Read more.
Angelina Jolie in Blackface to Play Mariane Pearl
In a controversial move, Angelina Jolie has donned blackface for her newest role. She is playing Mariane Pearl, the widow of Daniel Pearl. Daniel Pearl was the Wall Street Journal reporter whom Muslim extremists kidnapped and subsequently killed, releasing footage of his beheading online. Angelina Jolie in blackface Of course, Jolie is becoming almost as famous for her charitable… Read more.
Okay, so North Korea has nukes…we think. Now what?!
As a general proposition, possessing nuclear weapons is sheer lunacy, which makes the United States and Russia the biggest lunatic nations in the history of mankind. Beyond this, trying to control which countries possess nuclear weapons under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is as inherently unfair as it is patently unenforceable. After all, every sovereign… Read more.
Has British PM Tony Blair lost so much credibility (and hair) over Iraq that he’s leaving his Labour Party no better off than it was 12 years ago?
After 11 years as Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher was unceremoniously ousted, not by the British electorate, but by a cabal of “wobbly” backbenchers in her own Conservative Party. Now, after 12 years in office, Tony Blair has been ousted – in similar fashion and with no less humiliation – by a coven of Machiavellian princes… Read more.
So Foley is gay. And he may even be an alcoholic. But neither of these has anything to do with him being a child predator….Got it?!
Congressman Mark Foley Congressman Mark Foley Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Appellate ruling on warantless wiretaps is small vindication for me, giant ruling for national security…
Last December, I incurred the wrath of many normally collegial readers of this weblog for writing an article, here, entitled OH MY GOD! The government’s been spying on us…. They were incensed because I ridiculed the shock and moral outrage people expressed after reading (or, more likely, hearing second hand) about the NSA domestic surveillance… Read more.
Alas, Anderson Cooper is just presenting 360° reports on Africa…
This week, CNN is featuring a series on Africa entitled Killing Fields: Africa’s Misery, The World’s Shame. The host of this chronicling of Africa’s persistent woes is Anderson Cooper who has been promoting it with the following indignant charge: …this humanitarian crisis has received virtually no attention from the media over the past few years.… Read more.