Ever since he wowed American voters with his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, Barack Obama has been teasing them with his political ambitions. Therefore, when he finally inserted himself into the wide open 2008 presidential race on Sunday, it seems the entire nation shuddered with political excitement. I, on the… Read more.
UPDATE: Madonna’s adoption of African boy reels from controversy to nightmare…
I was never told that adoption means that David will no longer be my son….If I was told this, I would not have allowed the adoption….I want more clarification on the adoption. I would prefer that David goes back to the orphanage where I can see him any time I want, rather than send him… Read more.
UN spared the rod, now lil’ Kim’s a problem child!
Kim Jong IL, North Korea Read more.
On Tuesday, a newborn babe was featured as the 300 millionth American; but we all know that honor belongs to an illegal immigrant…
US Census Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Belated congratulations to Nobel Peace Prize winners Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank!
A week ago today, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2006 to Bangladeshi economist Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank he founded in 1976 for: …their efforts to create economic and social development from below. Lasting peace can not be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out… Read more.
U.S. and others play musical chairs (at six-party talks) while North Korea (and Iran) play with fire that could burn us all….
President George W. Bush is fond of projecting the notion that, although his is not the most intelligent and articulate voice on the world stage, it is certainly the most authoritative and reliable. But North Korean President Kim Jong IL’s brazen defiance of Bush’s ultimatum on developing nuclear weapons is making his voice seem no… Read more.
Madonna and (black) child: Why all the fuss?
Last week, in Plane crash sends New York (and all of America) into 9/11 panic mode…, I dismissed media coverage of this African-adoption story as just idle-minded reporting on: …the “breaking news” of Madonna following the new celebrity fashion of adopting African babies the way others adopt exotic pets. Since then, however, Madonna’s adoption of… Read more.
The Duke rape case…closed! If you didn’t believe me, perhaps you’ll believe 60 Minutes…
Last March, the nowinfamous Duke University rape scandal was primarily a cause celebre for liberal bloggers who were demanding that all 34 (white) players on the lacrosse team be hanged by their gonads after a (black) stripper accused some of them of raping her. And, to my eternal shame, I had no compunctions about joining… Read more.
‘Butch’ Kerzner of The Atlantis Resorts Is Dead…
Butch Kerzner was the CEO of Kerzner International Holdings. Those holdings include the Atlantis Hotel and Casino on Paradise Island, The Bahamas. It is an iconic and pioneering resort. This is why Kerzner’s sudden death on Wednesday left Bahamians in shock. Butch Kerzner of The Atlantis His father Sol is more famous. But Butch was… Read more.
Don’t believe your lying eyes (and freezing butts), global warming is “An Inconvenient Truth”?
Of course, convincing the people of Buffalo, New York (now burrowing their way out of 2 feet of snow) that they’re experiencing global warming is rather like convincing Eskimos that they’re living in the tropics…. Buffalo snow, global warming Read more.