On Saturday, it became patently clear to me that violent Muslim reaction to a homily Pope Benedict XVI delivered last week was beginning to ape their violent reaction to the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad last February. The alleged trigger that set Muslims off on this latest round of mob protests – to… Read more.
Meanwhile over in Afghanistan: snatching defeat from the hands of victory…
Not so long ago, some of us considered the war in Afghanistan as much an unqualified success as we deemed the war in Iraq an unmitigated failure. But a new crop of Taliban fighters are beginning to surpass die-hard insurgents in Iraq in their ability to undermine U.S. efforts to “stand up” a democratic government… Read more.
Papal infallibility does not signify infallible Pope. But Pope Benedict committed no sin with his comments on Muhammad, and he should not apologize!
Since Tuesday, Muslims have been engaged in what is fast becoming an ironic and perverse religious rite: namely, defending perceived offenses to Islam and the Prophet Muhammad by rioting, looting and threatening to kill! Their latest acts of holy vigilantism were triggered – unwittingly, one assumes – by Pope Benedict XVI’s comments on a 14th… Read more.
Segregated “Survivor”: More reality TV than some are prepared to admit…
Englishman Mark Burnett should not be criticized for playing the race card to lift sagging ratings on his show Survivor: Cook Islands. Rather, he should be criticized for playing the American people for fools – by proclaiming that he’s playing the race card as “a social experiment like never before”. After all, Burnett knows as… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: The real deal about Denzel’s military philanthropy…
On Wednesday, I received an email from an old friend which bore all of the hallmarks of one of those infamous chain emails that become urban legend. In this case, my friend – an unqualified supporter of the U.S. military – wanted me to help spread the word about an incredible act of spontaneous generosity… Read more.
Good riddance! Whitney Houston sobers up and divorces Bobby Brown…
I have always been stupefied by people who compound a bad decision to marry by refusing to divorce. Therefore, I was heartened by yesterday’s announcement that Whitney Houston has finally decided to divorce her self-described bad-boy husband Bobby Brown. Let me hasten to clarify, however, that I am not one who holds Whitney blameless for… Read more.
Good riddance! Anorexic models no longer reign in Spain…
This week, the madams of fashion in New York are flaunting their obsession with anorexic girls at their annual bacchanal. By instructive contrast, the matrons of fashion in Madrid are refusing to allow such sickly-looking mannequins to strut their dry bones at theirs, which begins on Monday. For years, I’ve been in the vanguard of… Read more.
Documenting Haiti in the "Ghosts of Cité Soleil"
After reading yesterday’s commentary on the film Death of a President, a few of my Canadian friends emailed to recommend what they consider to be a film far more worthy of my attention. The film, Ghosts of Cité Soleil, documents life in Haiti during the last days of the beleaguered presidency of Jean Betrand Aristide,… Read more.
“Death of a President” and “Path to 9|11”: Fuss over a tale of two movies that is much ado about nothing…
Last weekend, two made-for-TV movies had partisan political pundits frothing at the mouth: The first, Death of a President, was screened at the Toronto Film Festival on Sunday at about the same time as the second, The Path to 9/11, was airing on TV in the United States. In both cases, however, I think all… Read more.
Last week, bin Laden released his 9|11 terror tape in a preemptive (PR) strike against Bush’s 9|11 war-on-terror speech…
…And then had the nerve to call Bush to gloat about it! NOTE: Click here to see bin Laden on this insolent tape instructing and exhorting the 9/11 hijackers to execute their terror in the name of Allah. You can see President Bush on TV delivering his war-on-terror speech – for the 1000th time –… Read more.