With a little thought, most of us would have so much to give thanks for on Thanksgiving Day that our turkey would become cold and dry by the time we finished gracing our food. But never mind all we take for granted. Instead, let us be thankful that we’re not living in Darfur, North Korea… Read more.
Seinfeld’s Kramer unleashes a racist tirade on stage! Why the surprise…
By now, you’ve probably heard that when black hecklers interrupted his performance last Friday, the comedian who played the whacky Kramer character on “Seinfeld” reacted with a sustained racial assault that would have made Mel Gibson blush. Here’s a sample of the vitriol he spewed (and this was not Johnnie Walker ranting on his behalf.… Read more.
All diamonds are “Blood Diamonds”!
In May 2005, I wrote an article entitled Celebrity obsessed world has made actors and rock stars the statesmen of our time. And in it, I lauded Angelina Jolie for highlighting the plight of refugees, and Bono for getting rich countries to forgive billions of dollars in onerous debt owed by poor countries in Africa.… Read more.
Bush Sr leads Republican guardians in mother of all interventions to save Bush Jr’s presidency…
Iraq study group Read more.
Deconstructing OJ and the president of Iran: Their hypotheticals are factual…
OJ Simpson Read more.
O.J. Simpson confesses: ‘If I Did It’
This has to be the most perverse case of truth being stranger than fiction. But O.J. Simpson has given a stab by stab account of how he (would have) killed his ex-wife and her friend in the summer of 1994. And it had all cable news channels awash last night with talking heads venting moral… Read more.
Whaling in the Caribbean to save tourism? What rubbish!
Republished from Caribbean Net News! Caribbean Net News reported on Wednesday that St. Kitts and Nevis Fisheries Minister Cedric Liburd has asserted the need for the Caribbean to engage in the whaling industry for the development and benefit of its tourism sector. But, upon reading this report, it took all the intestinal fortitude I could… Read more.
Tom Cruise: “Don’t worry Oprah, your invitation’s in the mail…”
It’s not that I’m not going….It’s that they had a limited number of people that they could invite. I was not one of the invitees. That’s fine. [Oprah trying in vain to rationalize why Tom did not invite her to his wedding] Poor Oprah…first Hermes, now Tom: Despite all her power and influence, being denied… Read more.
BREAKING NEWS: Blair finally splits from Bush over Iran! Well, not exactly…
Alas, I’m obliged to complain once again about the shoddy, irresponsible and intentionally-hyped-to-boost-ratings reporting that the mainstream media (MSM) in America routinely broadcasts as news. And, for the record, included amongst those I indict in this respect are the major network stations (ABC, NBC, CBS and pot-calling-kettle-black FOX) as well as the 24-hour McNews cable… Read more.
Mall at last! Mall at last! Thank God Almighty, a black is on the Mall at last!
Although dark clouds made the occasion seem more funereal than joyful, President George W. Bush headlined a Who’s Who from the Civil Rights Movement on the Washington Mall yesterday for the groundbreaking of the Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Memorial. But the overcast skies did not dampen anyone’s spirits. Because, being so acutely aware that… Read more.