Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives and one of the shrewdest and most respected politicians in American history, is credited with coining the aphorism: All politics is local. Alas, this is a factor those of us who harbored delusions of an upset in yesterday’s Venezuelan presidential elections clearly forgot. Because,… Read more.
Meanwhile, the Israelis and Palestinians continue their backward steps towards peace…
Israel ceasefire Read more.
What’s in a name? Whether ‘tis civil war or sectarian conflict, Iraq is still a killing field where the grim reaper reigns…
Iraq civil war Read more.
Good (news) Friday: South Africa gives same-sex couples the legal right to marry!
Last summer, I wrote an article condemning the South African government for its provincial policy towards the treatment of HIV/AIDS, which kills more people in South Africa than in any other country in the world. I condemned the government because, instead of adopting the established pharmacological protocols that have proved most effective, it sent Health… Read more.
Britney exposing her bald spot does not portend America’s doom. Iraq does…
I am stupefied by prominent social commentators who are extrapolating from the hedonistic antics of pop tarts like Britney Spears grave consequences for the future of America. Hellooo! Iraq? Global warming? HIV/AIDS?… Mel Gibson? Michael Richards? Frankly, I pity not only the idle-minded fools who live for the latest gossip about or sighting of the… Read more.
Like Daniel in the Lion’s den, Pope Benedict XVI lands in Turkey
When Pope Benedict XVI landed in Turkey yesterday for his daring pastoral visit, Catholics (and moderate Muslims) all over the world began praying with grave concern for his safety; and rightly so. After all, even before he hurled what many Muslims consider an unforgivable insult at the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, the Pope was already… Read more.
Putin probably ordered the hit. But no one will do anything about it!
The bastards got me. Those are the dying words Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko allegedly uttered from his death bed in London last week, which led his loved ones, political pundits and conspiracy buffs to accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering his assassination. And they felt vindicated when doctors reported over the weekend that Litvinenko… Read more.
There’ll be no justice at home or peace in Iraq unless and until the U.S. reinstates the Draft!
“I don’t see how anyone can support the war and not support the draft….It would ensure a more equitable representation of people making sacrifices…. As long as Americans are being shipped off to war then everyone should be vulnerable. “ [Rep Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Korean War veteran – awarded Purple Heart and Bronze Star for… Read more.
Cognitive dissonance: Would you prefer to have a drunk or a mother breastfeeding her baby sitting next to you?
Breastfeeding in public Read more.
Alas, the day after Thanksgiving is what most people are thankful for…
Thanksgiving Day Sales Read more.