Indeed, no good deed goes unpunished. This familiar expression aptly describes the unwarranted criticisms of Oprah Winfrey’s school for African girls. Criticisms of Oprah’s school for African girls For years, the media hailed Oprah as a saint. Now they seem hell-bent on reminding her that she’s all too human. Except that they are using a school she built to tear her… Read more.
Freakish weather only reflects Mother Nature’s temperament. It has nothing to do with global warming!
Record-hot temperatures throughout the Northeast of America have excited sunbathers in New York enjoying, but frustrated snowskiers in Vermont lamenting, what they all claim are the effects of global warming. Meanwhile, record-cold temperatures out West – in places like Colorado – have people wondering if the globe is entering another ice age. Clearly, you’re a… Read more.
First asbestos from buildings, now trans fats from food: Big Brother’s just protecting you…
Trans fats Read more.
Good (news) Friday: The U.S. Congress finally has a Madam Speaker!
The United States is progressive in many respects. But when it comes to women in politics, it is relatively retarded. Therefore, it was no surprise that yesterday’s swearing-in ceremony for Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives (now 2nd in line to the presidency) turned into a celebration of… Read more.
God has spoken to Pat Robertson (again) about more disasters to come…
I get at least 50 emails everyday referring me to articles that are supposedly worthy of commentary. However, at the risk of offending readers who send those emails (i.e. the few who are not devoted family members and friends…), I invariably trash them as little more than SPAM. But once in a blue moon, I… Read more.
UPDATE: Even the Washington Post now concedes that Bush has done more for Africa than any other President in U.S. history
Ever since President Bush launched his Millennium Challenge Account for African development (in March 2002) and his $15 billion Emergency Plan for AIDS relief (January 2003), I’ve been arguing – to the consternation and apparent dismay of almost all who bothered to listen – that Bush has done more (and offers the best solutions) to… Read more.
Bush proclaims today "A National Day of Mourning for President Gerald R. Ford"
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America: As a further mark of respect to the memory of Gerald R. Ford, the thirty-eighth President of the United States, NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws… Read more.
Happy New Year Read more.
In 2006, “You” began determining what is “news”… God help us!
TIME: YouTube Read more.
Saddam Hussein: Executed!
At about 10 pm EST last night, Saddam Hussein stepped defiantly into the gallows and took the hangman’s noose with no hint of the fear his executioners hoped to see. And, after he allegedly damned America and an Iraq without him, Saddam was hanged with uncanny proficiency. It seems U.S. President George W. Bush has… Read more.