Now, to get the UN to change course from its corrupt ways, perhaps President Bush should task his Iraq Study Group (which the world seems so enamored of) to devise 79 reform recommendations for this Tower of Babel masquerading as the last bastion of international diplomacy. Related Articles:Despite his good deeds, Bolton forced to bolt… Read more.
Putin the poisoner…?
Lucky for Bush that he’s a religious teetotaler…. Vladimir Putin, Alexander Litvinenko radiation poisoning Read more.
The Iraq Study Group presents…
Yesterday, members of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) delivered their 79 (change-the-course)recommendations – like a Christmas gift – to President Bush at a White House breakfast meeting, and to the American people at a Capitol Hill news conference. (Incidentally, unless the number “79” has some numerological power that will make their recommendations more enforceable, I… Read more.
Gwyneth Paltrow: Ungrateful snob and pathological liar!
The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans. [Gwyneth Paltrow in Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias] Evidently, faking that British accent for her Oscar-winning performance in Shakespeare in Love (after introducing it in Emma) has caused Gwyneth Paltrow to suffer a lingering identity crisis. Because, even though being an American (Hollywood) actress… Read more.
Despite his good deeds, Bolton forced to bolt as UN Ambassador
Over a year ago, when Democrats (and one agnostic Republican) on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee blocked his nomination of John Bolton as UN Ambassador, President Bush used his executive authority to appoint him temporarily. Bolton’s critics claimed that they obstructed a vote on his confirmation by the full Senate because they feared he… Read more.
Viva Chávez!
Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives and one of the shrewdest and most respected politicians in American history, is credited with coining the aphorism: All politics is local. Alas, this is a factor those of us who harbored delusions of an upset in yesterday’s Venezuelan presidential elections clearly forgot. Because,… Read more.
Meanwhile, the Israelis and Palestinians continue their backward steps towards peace…
Israel ceasefire Read more.
What’s in a name? Whether ‘tis civil war or sectarian conflict, Iraq is still a killing field where the grim reaper reigns…
Iraq civil war Read more.
Good (news) Friday: South Africa gives same-sex couples the legal right to marry!
Last summer, I wrote an article condemning the South African government for its provincial policy towards the treatment of HIV/AIDS, which kills more people in South Africa than in any other country in the world. I condemned the government because, instead of adopting the established pharmacological protocols that have proved most effective, it sent Health… Read more.
Britney exposing her bald spot does not portend America’s doom. Iraq does…
I am stupefied by prominent social commentators who are extrapolating from the hedonistic antics of pop tarts like Britney Spears grave consequences for the future of America. Hellooo! Iraq? Global warming? HIV/AIDS?… Mel Gibson? Michael Richards? Frankly, I pity not only the idle-minded fools who live for the latest gossip about or sighting of the… Read more.