Reprinted from Caribbean Net News Published February 16, 2007 In this the year of the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, we in CARICOM must pursue coherently and in a focused, not episodic, way the legitimate demand for a full apology and reparations from the Europeans for African slavery. … … Read more.
Military failures have made cowardice a virtue and turned Bush into a wimp
U.S. military officials on Sunday accused the highest levels of the Iranian leadership of arming Shiite militants in with sophisticated armor-piercing roadside bombs that have killed more than 170 American forces. [The Associated Press 12 February 2007] Before President George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq in February 2003, the universally-accepted principle of national… Read more.
Clarifying the legal mess Anna Nicole left behind
Amongst the places I am licensed to practice law are The Bahamas and the United States. Therefore, ever since Anna Nicole Smith died, I’ve been fielding questions – from the sublime to the ridiculous – about what will happen to her baby and the hundreds of millions to which she claimed she was entitled. Unfortunately,… Read more.
The truth is that Scooter Libby is being prosecuted (and persecuted) for typical Washington spin
Related Articles:The indictment of Scooter Libby in CIA leak caseBreaking news: Libby was not the leaker! Scooter Libby Read more.
UPDATE: The PNP wins national elections by historic landslide in Turks and Caicos Islands
Preliminary results indicate that Premier Dr Michael Misick and his ruling PNP were reelected in a landslide victory last night. Now they will control the elective seats in the TCI House of Assembly by an unprecedented margin of 13 to 2 over the opposition PDM. The previous margin was 9 to 6. Therefore, here’s to… Read more.
Attempted murder by astronaut reveals previously unreported adventures in space
NASA is in full damage control because astronaut Lisa Nowak (43) drove 900 miles from Houston to Orlando last week – armed with an arsenal of girlie weapons and wearing a diaper to avoiding having to stop to go to the toilet – on a mundane mission to take out fellow astronaut Colleen Shipman (30)… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: It’s TCI Election Day…Go Vote!
Today has been declared a national holiday in my “mother country”, the Turks & Caicos Islands (TCI), to induce all citizens who are qualified to go to the polls and vote. Even though not as polarized as Democrats and Republicans are in America, our two major political parties – the ruling Progressive National Party (PNP)… Read more.
Surreality TV star Anna Nicole Smith is dead!
Since I’m all too aware that the only news and commentary that will interest most people today concerns the tragic death of Anna Nicole Smith, I shall pay my respects as follows: Her death was probably a consummation devoutly to be wished. After all, even though she lived in a terminal (drug-induced) stupor, I suspect… Read more.
Yes, save Darfur! But what about Zimbabwe
Even though rank incompetence, kleptocracy and depraved indifference to human life characterized the governments of many post-colonial countries of the Commonwealth, black leaders invariably invoked “the legacy of British colonialism” to rationalize the growing pains they inflicted on their own people.For example, in the immediate aftermath of independence, almost all of them established dominion over… Read more.
I pity the fools who think being called “articulate” is an insult
With all due respect to the self-appointed guardians of the (fragile?) egos of black folk, I am smart enough to know not only when I’m being insulted, but also how to respond appropriately. And, until last week, I thought Sen Barack Obama was too. Because, unlike him, I cannot endorse the patently absurd notion that… Read more.