Republished from Caribbean Net News! The following is the clarion call Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador Deborah-Mae Lovell sounded during a seminar the OAS held to impart that “Climate change in the Caribbean demands urgent mitigation”: The possibility that our climate may change is enough for us to take notice and to be pro-active.… Read more.
Libby, VP Cheney’s former chief of staff, found guilty. Now what?!
Most Washingtonians seemed genuinely shocked yesterday when word broke that – after 10 days of deliberations – a jury had convicted Scooter Libby on four counts of perjury and obstruction of justice. Of course, their shock stemmed from the fact that few people expected anyone to be indicted, let alone convicted, in this federal case… Read more.
Selma 42 years later: Right to vote taken for granted…even scorned
I am a C-SPAN junkie. C-SPAN was created in 1979 by U.S. cable companies as a public service. And since then it has provided almost exhaustive live coverage of national politics and public-affairs events in the United States. Admittedly, the less initiated can be forgiven the impression that all C-SPAN does is train its cameras… Read more.
The baby-Daddy drama strip…
baby Daddy drama Read more.
“You’re either with us or against us! Ain’t that right Tony?…Tony?”
Iraq surge Read more.
Good (news) Friday: A Washington sex scandal to compete with the surreal burial of Anna Nicole Smith
Washington, DC is infested with little pricks wielding power like rats staking out their territory in the filthy crevices of a Taco Bell. But I relish the schadenfreude I experience whenever one of them gets his gonads caught in the vice grip of career-ending scandal. Therefore, I’m simply giddy with glee that thousands of politicians… Read more.
Black Lawyers Wearing White Wigs? ‘Hey Tony, What’s Up with That?’
Black lawyers wearing white wigs When foreigners think of The Bahamas, they picture waves washing up on white sand and rays glistening off crystal-blue waters. But another scene, anachronistic and out of place, is upstaging those images. Black lawyers wearing white wigs and black gowns. This scene is playing out on TV screens worldwide thanks… Read more.
Health Alert: Taking vitamins…can kill you?
Despite the dubious health benefits of weight-loss pills (like Hoodia) and fad diets (like the low-carb craze), people still invest billions in them in vain attempts to look good – though not necessarily to feel good. In fact even the sudden death of seemingly-fit Dr Atkins – reportedly from following his eponymous diet, which spawned… Read more.
Liberal cat fights: first Geffen -v- Hillary; now ABC -v- Gore…
It must be delightfully therapeutic for conservatives – still recovering from their political “thumpin” last November – to see liberals cannibalize each other in the press. Recall last week how we were treated to an absurdly-premature cat fight between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama over the tongue lashing Democratic kingmaker David Geffen gave the Clintons… Read more.
The tomb of Jesus found…or is this the work of the Devil?
I am a secular humanist who places great faith in the findings of scientific enquiries into the origins and nature of all things. Therefore, when religious zealots repackaged the Adam and Eve creation story and began proselytizing it as an “Intelligent Design” worthy of refuting Darwin’s scientific findings on The Origin of Species (i.e., the… Read more.