To commemorate the occasion, here’s an objective, but only partial, account of the sacrifices and costs of this misbegotten war: 3,218 American soldiers dead200,000+ American military personnel wounded60,000+ Iraqi civilians dead500,000+ Iraqis wounded (and over 2 million displaced) $500 billion…wasted/misappropriated With sacrifices and costs mounting at a wholly untenable rate! Enough said? Related Articles:Groundhog days… Read more.
Discriminating against gays in the military is not only immoral; it’s self-defeating
I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts….I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way. [I support] the Pentagon’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban on gays serving in the military… Read more.
World Is “Shocked, Shocked” that Mugabe Had Opposition Leader Beaten and Arrested
Leaders all over the world have spewed shocking indignation at Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe for ordering the brutal arrest on Sunday of opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai (pictured left being escorted to court on Tuesday with obvious signs of prison abuse) and others for daring to hold a public “prayer vigil” for their country without his… Read more.
Support the Draft to Prevent Stupid Wars!
It is arguable that the first strategic blunder President George W. Bush made in his war on terror was his failure to endorse HR 3598, the Universal Military Training and Services Act, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. And his blunder was made all the more egregious (and curious) given that this Bill to reinstate… Read more.
“Anna…? Shane calling…”
Reports are that former Bahamian Minister of Immigration, Shane Gibson, has hired the Johnny Cochran of white-collar litigation, Willie Gary, to sue American media outlets for “ruining his personal and professional reputation with scandalous and libelous remarks”. The irony, of course, is that proud and informed Bahamians would like to see Mr Gibson held to… Read more.
Native Americans vote to ethnically cleanse their tribes
Don’t get taken advantage of by these people. They will suck you dry…Don’t let black freedmen back you into a corner. PROTECT CHEROKEE CULTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN. FOR OUR DAUGHTER[S] . . . FIGHT AGAINST THE INFILTRATION (sic). [Darren Buzzard, an advocate of expelling blacks from the Cherokee nation] The case for black Americans still… Read more.
Who says America’s concerned about China’s booming military…?
In fact, American foreign policy has long been characterized by insidious hypocrisy and egregious double standards. And nothing demonstrates these features quite like the Bush Administration insinuating that China is becoming a regional and international menace because it has budgeted $45 billion in military expenditures for fiscal 2007. After all, Bush has budgeted $625 billion… Read more.
America’s wounded airlifted from medieval war in Iraq to primitive care back home
It’s bad enough that America sent brave soldiers in armor ill-suited to fight a medieval war in Iraq. That America was ill-prepared to tend their wounds when they returned home, however, is a national shame. But this shame turned to universal shock and indignation recently – after the Washington Post published a series of investigative… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Ghana celebrates 50 years of independence
On Tuesday Ghana kicked off 12 months of celebrations to mark its 50th year of independence. This milestone is especially noteworthy because Ghana was the first black nation in Africa to sever the Lilliputian cord of British colonialism in 1957. And since then it has been heralded as a beacon of stability and sustainable development… Read more.
Congress cancels hearing on global warming…due to unusually cold weather?
The Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality hearing…in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building has been postponed due to inclement weather. The hearing is entitled “Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activities Contributing to a Warming of the Planet?” Most members of the U.S. Congress are so clueless that the irony of canceling… Read more.