They were fighting two wars: One was in Europe, and the other took place in the hearts and minds of our citizens. The Tuskegee Airmen helped win a war, and you helped change our nation for the better….And the medal that we confer today means that we’re doing a small part to ensure that your… Read more.
HIV/AIDS prevention UPDATE: To briss, or not to briss: that is the question…
Over the past two years I have written a series of articles (the most recent appended below) proselytizing scientific studies which have found that circumcision (a ritual dating back over 15,000 years) is the cheapest and most effective way to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS. After the publication of each of them, however, I have… Read more.
Iran’s capture of Britons provokes sound and fury signifying nothing!
From the middle ages, the art of war in the Middle East has been governed by Lex talionis – the law of retaliation (or the categorical imperative) which calls for “an eye for an eye…a life for a life”. Therefore, the capture of 15 British Marines by the Iranians last week was sanctioned retaliation –… Read more.
Anna Nicole autopsy report: Much ado about nothing!
All the world’s a stage, and a small-town medical examiner will be strutting his hour upon it today to announce his autopsy report on Anna Nicole Smith…and then will be heard from no more. But am I the only one who thinks the Florida officials dealing with the death of Anna Nicole must be drinking… Read more.
Al Qaeda confessional: We did not kill Anna Nicole, but…
al qaeda Read more.
More chickens coming home to roost in Bush Admin: Gonzales must resign now!
The political firestorm that broke out a few weeks ago over the controversial firing of eight U.S. attorneys has now engulfed the storied career of America’s first Latino Attorney General, Alberto R. Gonzales. And, as it is with all Washington scandals, it’s not the alleged crime – of firing them because they were deemed “unloyal… Read more.
Bishop G.E. Patterson is dead
Even though I have “strayed” far from the religious dogma that governed my upbringing as the son of a preacher man, I still find it tremendously entertaining to listen to charismatic preachers sermonize under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. And even though preachers like T.D Jakes and Jimmy Swaggart may be more popular, I… Read more.
H.K. Stern appealing? His clutching onto Dannielynn now seems ominous
Over the past 24 hours, I have been contacted by many people expressing insidiously-vicarious frustration about reports that Howard K. Stern has filed (or given notice of his intent to file) an appeal of Justice Stephen Isaacs’ “order” to make Dannielynn available for samples of her DNA to be taken. And this reported appeal, notwithstanding… Read more.
Forget Basketball! The UN -v- Iran is real March madness…
President George W. Bush may not have learned anything from the egregious mistakes his Administration made in planning and executing its war against Iraq. But he appears to have been sufficiently chastened by them to heed his Daddy’s advice to build an unassailable coalition and secure unambiguous UN authorization before attacking his next axis-of-evil target:… Read more.
UPDATE: Clarifying the legal mess Anna Nicole left behind
[Today in The Bahamas, seminal legal proceedings in the Anna Nicole baby-Daddy drama will be conducted. And, given the level of reader interest (and confusion) this case has generated, I was persuaded that it would be a good idea to republish – as a public service – a couple of my articles clarifying and resolving… Read more.