Frankly, given the obvious influence of acute alcoholism that led to many embarrassing, if not compromising, situations during the last days of his presidency, I’m surprised former Russian President Boris Yeltsin did not die until yesterday. He was 76. But it would be as presumptuous and gratuitous for me to write an obituary about this… Read more.
Sarkozy and Royal win first round in France’s presidential election
As polls predicted, the French turned out in record numbers yesterday to vote in their presidential election (reportedly 84% compared to the relatively apathetic 61% of Americans who voted in their critical “end-the-war-now!” 2004 presidential election). And after all of the votes were counted, ten delusional pretenders to the presidency were eliminated – leaving only… Read more.
Glorifying Cho, the Va Tech mass murderer, exposed the media’s mercenary and sociopathetic pursuit of their own ratings glory
Notwithstanding the media’s rationalizations, broadcasting his “multimedia manifesto” not only glorified Cho; it also assaulted the families of his grieving victims and made him a role model for alienated youth and an inspiration for idle-minded psychopaths…. Related Articles:Massacre at Virginia Tech massacre Virginia Tech Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Wither Wolfowitz: The belated comeuppance for another Bush man
Paul Wolfowitz is the neo-conservative visionary who – as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense – was the principal architect of the “domino” plan to democratize the Middle East that misled American soldiers into the current mess in Iraq. Clearly, for this monumental blunder, he should have been thrown into the dustbin of history, if not… Read more.
Supreme Court restricts abortion rights…but only a little folks
Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the nationwide ban on late-term (or partial-birth) abortions is, in fact, constitutional. At issue, of course, was the long-debated method of ending a pregnancy which: …involves partially removing the fetus intact from a woman’s uterus, then crushing or cutting its skull to complete the abortion. Not surprisingly, anti-abortion… Read more.
Massacre at Virginia Tech!
As a Virginia resident, I feel obliged to comment immediately on today’s shooting at Virginia Tech – a university with a student population of over 26,000. Because everyone in the Washington Metro Area, including the president of the United States, is in shock after learning that a lone gunman opened fire this morning in a… Read more.
Chess champion Kasparov running for Russian presidency…by getting arrested
In March 2005 I published the first in a series of articles decrying Vladimir Putin’s brazen agenda to amass dictatorial powers as president of Russia. I described his agenda as the Putinization of Russia, and noted that Putin was so shrewd in executing it that Joseph Stalin would be red with envy. But, back then,… Read more.
Kurt Vonnegut is dead
I don’t mind admitting that there is a catalogue of books that I was required to read in college but which I only skimmed, at best. Nevertheless, Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five (1969) made such a subliminal impression that I was drawn back to it’s surreal anti-war prose later in life. And I have no doubt that… Read more.
Bush dodges the Draft (again) by ordering troops on repeat tours of duty
On Wednesday U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates finally admitted that U.S. forces are so stretched that the esprit de corps is almost broken. And, he did little to boost military morale or halt plummeting support for the war on terror when he begrudgingly announced that: … All active-duty army troops now in Iraq or Afghanistan… Read more.
Good (news) Friday? Imus, you’re fired!
Don Imus created bona fide racial drama last week with his trademark attempt at shock-jock humor. But the bad news is that – though painfully serious – this whole episode has degenerated into a cartoonish (political) farce featuring Al Sharpton. Meanwhile, does it matter to anyone that those Pontius-Pilates at NBC and CBS were so… Read more.