The Robert Mugabe government of Zimbabwe is the most corrupt, dysfunctional and incompetent in Africa. And, on a continent that has the most corrupt, dysfunctional and incompetent governments in the entire world, Mugabe’s achievement in this regard is a truly dubious distinction. [The iPINIONS Journal, March 2005] Since 2000 I have written a series of… Read more.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day Read more.
VP Cheney’s pep talk to Iraqi politicians and American GIs falls on deaf ears
Reports that the Iraqi Parliament is planning a two-month summer break provoked American critics of the Iraq war to vent what little outrage they had left. But this, in turn, prompted the preternaturally tone-deaf President George W. Bush to dispatch VP Dick Cheney to Iraq this week to scare those insolent and indolent Iraqi politicians… Read more.
Good (news) Friday: Another milestone reached in the Northern Ireland peace process…
Given the article I published yesterday on The belated resignation of British PM Tony Blair, you can be forgiven the impression that I think Former President Bill Clinton surpassed Blair as a national leader in every respect. But this is not so. Because – in another historic juxtaposition of their careers – while Clinton was… Read more.
The belated resignation of British PM Tony Blair
Reports are that Tony Blair will end the long vigil over his premiership later today by finally announcing his resignation. But this news will be greeted with as many cheers as tears. And that’s a damn shame. Because Blair began his tenure as prime minister of the United Kingdom in 1997 with all of the… Read more.
1 Islamist plot to terrorize America foiled! 999 to go…?
The FBI made quite a show at a news conference this afternoon of announcing the arrest of six Islamic militants for allegedly: …plotting to attack the Army’s Fort Dix [in New Jersey] and kill as many American soldiers as possible. And the competitive elbow to the ribs of sister agency, the CIA, was not lost… Read more.
Despite Iraq (and Zimbabwe), Bush and the Queen proclaim commitment to defend and spread liberty around the world
Like most Washingtonians, I tuned in to watch the Arrival Ceremony for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the White House yesterday. But where most people seemed taken in by the elaborate pomp and circumstance on display (and by speculation about the menu and guest lists for tea and dinner), I was actually taken aback… Read more.
Sarkozy defeats Royal to become new president of France
France has given me everything, and now it is my turn to render to France that France has given me. [Nicolas Sarkozy, president-elect of France] Two weeks ago, after Nicolas Sarkozy and Segolene Royal advanced to a run-off election to become the next president of France, I wrote the following wishful prospect: …[N]o regular reader… Read more.
DC madam uses ABC News to tease public’s prurient interest in her black book of no-name "Johns"
Alas, despite all the foreplay, ABC’s 20/20 “exposé” on Friday, which promised to out “some of the most newsworthy names in Washington” who were allegedly listed in a DC madam’s black book, turned out to be a frustrating anti-climax at best. In fact, Geraldo’s grand opening of Al Capone’s empty vault was more stimulating TV.… Read more.
Former CIA Head now peddling CYA hindsight as pre-war intelligence
Whatever George… Read more.