Here’s a little of what I wrote in my 19 July commentary on the indictment of NFL quarterback Michael Vick for funding and participating in a dogfighting gambling ring: Frankly, it is incomprehensible to me, and I truly regret, that the adrenaline rush from playing football (and making millions no less) was not enough for… Read more.
Enough with the Chicken-Little coverage of Hurricane Dean already!
On 29 August 2005, when Katrina was still gathering strength (and toying with islands) in the Caribbean Sea, here, in part, is the commentary I wrote to put hysterical forecasts about this “mother of all hurricanes” into perspective: TV stations cover natural disasters purportedly as a public service. But there’s no denying that such coverage… Read more.
Most Islanders will weather Hurricane Dean, but many Americans will drown under mortgage foreclosures
All the same, my thoughts and prayers go out to my friends in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, and to all who will be caught within Hurricane Dean’s ferocious vortex…. hurricanes mortgage foreclosures Read more.
Are Caribbean countries (still) importing Chinese products banned in the USA?
There seems no end to the growing list of Chinese products being banned by the US government because they contain deadly toxins. Nevertheless, Chinese government spokesman, Wang Xinpei, tried to redeem confidence in his country’s exports on Wednesday by declaring that, henceforth, China will ensure that its manufacturers are more aware of the “highly sensitive… Read more.
Bush will attack Iran to redeem his presidency?!
Don’t bet against it…. Even dead-end supporters of America’s misadventure in Iraq expressed grave concerns yesterday after the Bush administration announced that it will soon declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization (as if declaring Iran itself part of the “axis of evil” in 2002 were not foreboding enough…). But their concerns are warranted because… Read more.
An inconvenient truth about the warmest year…to cool you off
Last week, global-warming disciples were singing hosanahs over news reports (like this one here), which purportedly vindicated their religious belief that global-warming heretics (like me) are responsible for every climatological phenomenon from glacial melting to El Nino. And they proffered the reported findings by NASA scientists that 1998 was the warmest year in recorded history… Read more.
The belated (and overrated) resignation of Karl Rove
Karl Rove has been the subject of so much hagiography and vilification lately that one could be forgiven the impression that he is the embodiment of (and responsible for) all that is good and bad about Washington politics. But as you hear talking heads either fawning over or fulminating against what Rove did for (or… Read more.
Time to take the draft off the option table and implement it on the battlefield!
On Friday, President Bush’s top military adviser on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, shocked members of America’s political, business and cultural elite when he said the following in an interview with the National Public Radio program All Things Considered: the Draft has always been an option on the table and… Read more.
The US loses track of 190,000 of its own weapons?!
And President Bush is accusing Iran of arming the insurgents?! Iraq weapons Read more.
EXTRA, EXTRA: Rupert Murdoch buys the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)!
Of course, most WSJ journalists are indignant with concerns that he’ll piss all over this venerable paper? Why? Because they know the nature of this media beast; and, moreover, that Rupert does as Rupert is…. Rupert Murdoch Read more.