Pro-Palestinian student protests against Israel’s genocidal rampage in Gaza are erupting on college campuses across America. The unfolding scenes echo the most notorious student protests in US history: the anti-Vietnam protests of the late 1960s and the anti-apartheid protests of the mid-1980s. However, I submit that there’s greater resonance between these protests and the anti-apartheid protest. Even… Read more.
Earth Day Irony: Climate Activists Behaving Like Arsonists and Firefighters
First Earth Day Former Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-WI) conceived Earth Day as a day of awareness in the late 1960s. He responded to the alarming pollution spreading carelessly across America, marking a pivotal moment in our environmental history. The country celebrated its first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. The environmental practices it inaugurated have since become… Read more.
Taylor Swift’s ‘The Tortured Poets Department’: Pop Lyrics or Petty Revenge?
Taylor Swift’s transformation from a country pop tart to a global pop star is staggering. However, with her latest release, “The Tortured Poets Department,” she’s biting the hand that feeds her. Swift mocks the tortured poet archetype. But, arguably, this album makes her the embodiment of a songstress torturing herself in a vain attempt to write good poetry.… Read more.
EU’s Shameful Failure to Fully Arm Ukraine
Failure of US leadership The US Congress has dithered and reveled in dysfunction for months, delaying a crucial national security bill. This, even though members knew each day’s delay was costing an increasingly defenseless Ukraine dearly in both blood and treasure. US allies and enemies alike watched in utter stupefaction: Democratic allies expressed shock and dismay — as US politicians displayed… Read more.
Told Ya: The Press Is Helping Trump Intimidate Jurors
The press doxxing the jurors Just yesterday, I denounced news outlets for airing personal details about jurors. They are doing so to generate ratings for their obsessive coverage of Trump’s hush money criminal trial. But I warned that they were blatantly aiding and abetting Trump’s efforts to intimidate jurors. Less than 24 hours later, this breaking news confirms it: A juror sworn onto Donald Trump’s… Read more.
Hey, Media, Stop Covering Trump’s Courthouse Rants
Covering Trump vs. Biden Yesterday, President Biden delivered a speech in Pennsylvania contrasting his Scranton policies to help the poor and middle class with Trump’s Mar-a-Lago policies to enrich the rich and super-rich. But this might come as news to you. That’s because cable news networks were too busy covering Trump’s criminal trial in New York City. New York DA Alvin… Read more.
The Masters: Tiger Woods Posts the Worst Score of His Career
The Masters: ‘It’s over, Tiger’ Stephen A. Smith, from ESPN’s flagship show First Take, is arguably America’s most influential sports commentator. Like E.F. Hutton — when he speaks, people listen. That’s why the way he opened his show’s segment on The Masters on Monday spoke volumes. He looked into the camera, apologized for what he was about to say about his boy,… Read more.
‘King Charles’ Dethroned!
Cancellation of the ‘King Charles’ show CNN’s King Charles showcased Gayle King and Charles Barkley discussing current events. Only weeks ago, I flagged it as the most cringe-inducing talk show since Fox’s The Magic Hour with Ervin “Magic” Johnson. In fact, the ratings for King Charles were anemic from the first episode. Moreover, it remained on life support until CNN finally pulled the plug last week. The CNN weekly prime time talk… Read more.
Netanyahu Ignoring Biden Smacks of the Tail Wagging the Dog
Biden’s come-to-Jesus talk with Netanyahu On its misadventure to destroy Hamas, Israel spent six months killing thousands of innocent Palestinians and scores of relief workers. Yet, it was only after it killed seven Central Work Kitchen aid workers recently that President Biden had a come-to-Jesus talk with Netanyahu. Reportedly, Biden’s friendship with José Andrés, the founder of this relief organization, made him so… Read more.
O.J. Simpson Is Dead
“Heroic tragedy” fairly describes the life of O.J. Simpson. He damned his soul by murdering his wife, Nicole Brown, and her friend Ron Goldman. And he forfeited any chance of redemption by failing to show even a trace of contrition after getting away with it. Thus, despite all his fame and infamy, nothing in his life became him, like leaving… Read more.