Therefore, despite media speculation that Mugabe might finally be upset at the polls today, I suspect the only real question about the outcome concerns how much vote rigging will be required to ensure his victory.
This time around, like the last time, very good. I rate them in the same way, that we will succeed and we will conquer…. This is a vote against the British.
[Mugabe yesterday, in patented fashion, exhorting Zimbabweans to blame phantom British forces for the misery he has inflicted upon them over the past 28 years.]
That said, I am somewhat encouraged by the fact that former Mugabe insider and ex-finance minister Simba Makoni is on the ballot. Because, for the first time, the opposition has in Makoni someone who knows all of Mugabe’s vote-rigging tricks and can perhaps take counter measures to limit their effect.
Whatever the case, nobody who knows Mugabe can possibly believe that he will ever accept defeat at the polls. After all, this man is a genocidal megalomaniac who is congenitally disposed to war.
Therefore, it will take a war – that will make post-election violence in Kenya seem like a school-yard brawl – to wrest power from his hands.
Meanwhile, if you’re interested in the sordid tale of how Mugabe has ruled and ruined Zimbabwe, I invite you to read some of my forlorn commentaries linked to below.
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Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe election
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