Donald Trump is successful, in part, because he’s a shameless, irrepressible, self-promoting megalomaniac. And no one knows how to exploit publicity for financial gain better than this latter-day PT Barnum (even if that means engaging in mudslinging catfights with women like Martha Stewart and Rosie O’Donnell).
Therefore, when reality-TV junkies were all waiting with baited breath on Tuesday to hear him utter his now trademark words “You’re fired” to Miss USA, Tara Connor, it served them right that he fooled them once again.
Because, instead of feeding their prurient lust for gossipy details about why he was firing Tara (i.e. tidbits about her cocaine use, lesbian sex with her roommate, Miss Teen USA, and bar hopping throughout NYC), he trumped these suckers by making the news conference all about him: Trump – the merciful, Trump – the compassionate, Trump – the lifesaver…of a hot cute country bumpkin in distress.
Of course, no one can deny that giving Tara “a second chance” was a shrewd PR move. But it did not take a genius to figure out that – just as Paris Hilton’s porno tape and Kate Moss’ cocaine-snorting pictures made them and their enablers millions of dollars – so too will Tara’s scandalous behavior make her the most notorious (and memorable) Miss USA in history.
Indeed, consider this: She was crowned in April. But, until her gallivanting made her the fourth Bimbo of the Apocalypse last week, did you know who Tara Connor was or have any interest in Trump’s second-rate (to Miss America) beauty pageant…?
Unfortunately for Tara, because her indentured-service contract makes her Trump’s meager-salaried employee, the millions generated from her sudden notoriety will all go into his pocket, not her purse, which clearly suits him just fine….
Therefore, truth be told, Trump is not giving her a second chance; he’s just cashing in on her bad behavior. Besides, this was probably more like her 20th chance because I’m sure Tara’s chaperones have been warning her for months to clean-up her act before she’s regarded as nothing more than a wannabe Paris Hilton.
But God help Tara if her small-town mind leads her to believe that Trump is really concerned about her welfare. Because he’ll milk her like a cash cow until the end of her reign, and then put her out to pasture like he’s done with all of his other (now nameless) Miss USA winners. (Although, I suspect Playboy’s just waiting it’s turn to milk what few drops of interest remain….)
NOTE: For the record, Trump should have appeared at that news conference with first runner-up, Tamiko Nash, to announce her as the new Miss USA. Then, the truly helpful lesson – for Tara and all American girls – would have been that if you get an opportunity like this, which, alas, all too many of them girls covet, you’d better behave yourself and honor your commitments or you’ll lose it in an instant. Period!
ENDNOTE: In case you actually thought Trump was being sincere about wanting the best for Tara and the young women of America, the following should disabuse you of your naiveté:
Here’s how Trump once explained why he hates alcohol:
My brother, Fred, who was a terrific guy in every way, passed away, and alcohol killed him. It was pure and simple. He died because of alcohol. And I wish the lawyers that went after the tobacco companies would go after the alcohol companies.
Given this apparently heartfelt declaration, you’d think Trump would have such an emotional aversion to alcohol that he’d have nothing to do with it. Yet, far from unleashing his gaggle of lawyers on alcohol companies to avenge his brother’s death, Trump is actually competing with them to peddle this poison by selling “Trump: The World’s Finest Super Premium Vodka” – with the same unscrupulous, egocentric and bottom-line intent with which he sells “Trump Ice Bottled Water”.
But since he evidently has no problem with underage girls drinking like “girls gone wild” under his professional guardianship, don’t be surprised if Trump uses his nubile Miss Teen USA as bait to market his Vodka….
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