My community has suffered enough…It has become increasingly apparent, during the course of this week, in some ways that it might not have been before, that my presence as the district attorney in Durham is not furthering the cause of justice.
Not surprisingly, the three members of the North Carolina Star Bar disciplinary panel saw Nifong’s belated-concession as nothing more than a vain, inconsequential and patently-contrived attempt to manipulate their findings. Accordingly they found that he:
…manipulated the investigation [of three (white) players for allegedly raping a (black) stripper] to boost his chances of winning his first election for Durham County district attorney. In doing so, he committed a clear case of intentional prosecutorial misconduct that involved “dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation.
[F. Lane Williamson, Chairman of the N.C. State Bar Disciplinary Hearing Committee]
…innocent victims of Nifong’s tragic rush to accuse.

Even worse, after wasting state resources to persecute these students (and forcing them to waste millions of dollars defending themselves), Nifong still could not bring himself to admit that he was dead wrong. Because when Chairman Williamson asked him, with manifest indignation, exasperation, and contempt, if he still believes the accuser he followed so merrily down a primrose path to career suicide, Nifong responded with reflective conviction:
…something happened.
I don’t think any of us are done with Mr. Nifong yet.
Therefore, here’s to Nifong not only being disbarred but also losing his life savings. (Of course, he may even lose his freedom after he’s convicted on charges of obstruction of justice, which I fully expect to be filed in due course.)
Meanwhile, I hope the millions these wrongly-accused players will collect in civil damages from the state and Duke University will help assuage the emotional distress they and their families have suffered as a result of this legal “fiasco”.
UPDATE 3:15 pm EST:
According to one of my reliable readers over in America, CNN is reporting that Duke has reached a financial settlement with the three lacrosse players – to compensate for presuming them guilty and then effectively expelling them. Of course, I suspect the amounts shall remain confidential. But I have no doubt that they got enough from Duke to cover their legal bills…and then some. How ‘bout that?!
Now, on to the Nifong and the N.C. state treasury, which will have to indemnify his liabilities….
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Vidocq says
Prevailing Injustice!
Or is it Malicious Prosecution!?
By far, the Mike Nifong incident is not an isolated occurrence, as many maltreated defendants ought to know! The same could happen to, and should happen to, countless prosecutors throughout the nation (ever wonder why prisons are overcrowding!?)
Because of the enormous publicity, Mike Nifong didn’t get away with his unjustifiable, unethical comments. Had it not been for the extensive publicity and well-paid defense attorneys, it is highly unlikely the accused Duke students would have escaped prosecution.
My son is currently serving a sentence in Virginia for something he most definitely did not do. Again, due to Commonwealth attorney’s unethical tactics and deceptive comments, and certainly not by state’s evidence – because they had none; this to include ineffective assistance of counsel – the prosecution won hands down. The so-called public defender was useful and effective ONLY to the Commonwealth’s attorney, AND NOT AT ALL TO HIS CLIENT! Amazingly, proof is in the court records, which is currently being pursued for revaluation and hopefully, exoneration.
ALH ipinions says
I sympathise with outrage, regret your personal frustration and wish the very best for your son.