Because of my efforts last week to help compatriots in the Turks and Caicos Islands recover from Hurricane Ike, I was unable to comment on the new ad John McCain launched in which he cast Barack Obama as a pervert who wants to “teach comprehensive sex education to kindergartners.”
Specifically, to reinforce the deception, the ad ends with this pithy admonition:
Learning about sex before learning to read? Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family.
The only problem is that McCain knows full well that this ad is false and dangerously misleading. Frankly, the only thing worse would have been to accuse Obama of being a pedophile.
Meanwhile, everyone in Washington knows that objective media watchdogs panned conservative nut-job Alan Keyes for running a similar ad against Obama during their senate race in Illinois in 2004.
And I would not be at all surprised if McCain was amongst those criticizing Keyes from running such a sleazy and retarded ad. After all, he won national (and bi-partisan) praise for hurling moral indignation at George W. Bush for launching an equally false and dangerously misleading attack against him in the 2000 presidential campaign, in which Bush cast him as the father of a “bastard black child.”
For the record, as a state senator in Illinois, Obama supported legislation that allowed local school boards to teach:
…age-appropriate” sex education, not comprehensive lessons to kindergartners, [to give] schools the ability to warn young children about inappropriate touching and sexual predators.
Now, if pressed, I have no doubt that McCain, like any reasonable person, would concede that he agrees with this legislation; just as, when pressed, he conceded that he disagrees with the opinion of his VP nominee, conservative nut-job Sarah Palin, that women should not be allowed abortions even in cases of incest and rape.
Therefore, the only reason to explain McCain’s willingness to do to Obama what he damned Bush for doing to him is that, like Bush, he is prepared to compromise all principles to get elected president of the United Sates.
Indeed, McCain is fond of proclaiming that he would rather lose a campaign than lose a war. But it seems he would rather lose his soul than lose a campaign. And, since he chose born-again Christian Sarah Palin not only to curry favor with women but also to inspire the evangelical base of the Republican Party, perhaps she should remind him of what Jesus said in this respect:
What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul.
[Mathew 16:26]
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