How’s this for the law of unintended consequences: After liberating Afghanistan from the freedom-hating, women-beating, head-chopping Taliban, the Americans thought they were ushering in a new government that would guarantee its citizens all the universal freedoms westerners take for granted; including, most assuredly, freedom of religion. Now comes the barbaric (Talibanic) spectacle of this supposedly democratic government issuing a death warrant against an Afghan, Abdul Rahman, for committing the cardinal sin of converting from Islam to Christianity.
Now ain’t that a bitch….
NOTE: It is, itself, an abomination that western leaders – from President Bush to the Pope – are considering it a saving grace for the Afghanistan Supreme Court to declare this Christian convert insane as a way to escape the fate Allah has purportedly decreed. But, refusing to compromise his religious beliefs, the Chief Judge has vowed to execute justice as Allah dictates!
Kneel infidel, kneel…
UPDATE (8:40 am): Wait, Wait! AP is now reporting that the Court has dropped the case against Rahman – citing a “lack of evidence” that he actually converted to Christianity; even though the general in charge of the maximum-security prison where he was jailed has confirmed that Rahman “had also been begging his guards to provide him with a Bible”….Whatever.
U.S. and the Pope – 1; Allah – 0!
Afghanistan Sharia law, Islam convert Christianity
Phil says
The Afghanis will cause all kind of problems for the Americans. This case is just the extreme. But Muslims will never be tolerant of other religions and they continue to deny other basic freedoms. And we thought Iraq was a mess.
Anonymous says
I think its safe to say that most religions around the globe have been abused and highjacked for political purposes at one point or another. It really saddens me that something meant to bring positive, life affirming notions can instead lead to misunderstanding, anguish and death. Furthermore, the inability to have an open dialogue about the role religion(s) plays in society is both troubling and an indication that any near term solution is remote. Instead of the race card, it is perhaps the religious card that is most often and effectively used these days. Because once invoked, the name GOD then forces most to retreat for fear of well…. GOD knows what….