The new infallible leader of the Holy Roman Catholic Church has decreed his name shall be Pope Benedict XVI.
Unfortunately, the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany as Pope seems hardly inspired. Indeed, it may even be ominous. And, given his provocative political inclinations, Ratzinger’s election is much more than a matter between God and the Catholic Church.
Indeed, it behooves us to be mindful that this Pope (formerly the enforcer of “immutable” Catholic doctrine) makes no apologies for the Catholic Crusades (as Pope John Paul II did) and insists that the only way to heaven is by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior: Non-Christian devotees of moral relativism (especially Jews and Muslims) take cover!
It is worth noting, however, that Ratzinger’s unveiling as the new Pope was greeted with palpable disappointment by many Catholics – particularly among liberals in the United States, Hispanics in South America and Blacks in Africa. But the reaction among Italians was most interesting, suffused as it seemed to be with resentment over the election of yet another “foreign” Pope. Indeed, to the Italians – who apparently regarded Pope John Paul II as a mere interloper in their papal heritage – Ratzinger’s election must seem positively iconoclastic.
Notwithstanding viscerally emotional reactions, however, those who shudder at this Pope’s religious dogmatism have much in his writings and pronouncements as the Dean of Cardinals to justify their fears. After all, as “keeper of the faith”, Ratzinger advocated excommunicating unruly liberal Catholics and deploying missionary zealots to proselytize Christian dogma (not interfaith fellowship) around the world (converting by quality not by numbers). Clearly, now as Pope, such edicts (jihad) are bound to resurrect untenable notions of crusades and inquisitions that make Hitler’s delusions of Aryan supremacy seem relatively sane.
Nevertheless, the truly spiritual among us should pray that Pope Benedict XVI will be guided by the Holy Spirit to nurture our shared humanity despite disparate religious beliefs and, thereby, exorcise the fears incited by Cardinal Ratzinger obsolete….

Click here to read a little on the divine preeminence of Catholicism according to Cardinal Ratzinger.
And, click here and here to see why earlier postings about Ratzinger and a Black Pope have been vindicated.
News and Politics
grace says
this is pope benedict xvi